Are you still struggling financially? Apply for federal aid today

DORAL, FL – Miami-Dade County will distribute nearly $11 million for federal aid, which is what commissioners allocated to United Way of Miami-Dade to help those in need by the end of December.

“There are a lot of applications we weren’t able to fund because of limited funding, so this is going to give us an opportunity to fund those that were still in the que, as well as re-opening the applications,” said Vanessa Benavides, Associate Vice President of the United Way of Miami-Dade, as reported by Local 10.

According to the media, the federal aid will be available until 8,600 applications, approximately, are received. 

“People that were already struggling continue to struggle, and now we have a whole new crop of people that are struggling, and I only think it is going to get worse as the situation is prolonged,” said Benavides, referring to the rising number of COVID-19 cases and the direct relation of this with a decrease in sales.

In fact, economic analysts expect a contraction in retail sales through December as COVID-19 hospitalizations also increase. 

If you want to apply for the economic help, United Way of Miami-Dade application for Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act) relief funds to first-time applicants who meet hardship assistance criteria.

The application is available in English, Spanish and Creole at

For additional information, visit

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