”Business Success: in the performance details”


By: Adriana Heredia Lopez


We all business owners focus on sales, collections and being profitable, but rarely, we have the patience to take the “small steps” to get there, by creating a system that is successful and conducive to saving money in taxes, simpler operations, and comprehensive monitoring of key performance indicators. A great system includes the correct: type of corporate legal entity along with a chart of accounts according to industry, and operational requirements, delegation of accounting duties, access to high-level professional advice to interpret performance results either in start-up, growth, plateau or recession mode.

If we were to poll every business owner, the majority would say: I have a great accountant/tax preparer because I pay little in taxes, or not good, because I pay too much. When in fact the questions every business owner should be asking themselves are: Do I have the accounting system and support needed for tax planning? How long before I get a response from my accountant? We all should wonder whether we are making money, producing results worthy of credit with the bank, or exciting enough to bring a partner. Remote Books® is a system designed to be responsive with business needs.

Contact us for a free consultation on Remote Books® at: info@remotebooks.com or (305) -814-6222


Disclosure: “The comments above by Adriana Heredia Lopez (Quickbooks® Proadvisor) do not consist of official consulting or advice, since every situation is different for every client. This opinion is based on general situations and topics and cannot be misconstrued as legal nor tax advice provided by Doral Family Journal”



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