Can you make face masks? The Homeless Trust needs your help

DORAL, FL – With Miami-Dade unable to buy enough protective supplies, the Homeless Trust requires volunteers to make and donate homemade face masks.

The CDC recommends wearing a cloth face covering in places where it’s hard to maintain social distancing like grocery stores and pharmacies and has also requested that all street homeless wear face masks as well.

Due to a shortage of face masks in stores all over the country, the Homeless Trust is asking for the community’s help to sew and donate homemade masks so that all of our residents and those who are living on the street can remain safe and comply with these new guidelines.

While the CDC has several different tutorials (sew and no sew masks), sewn masks are preferred for their durability.

Once you have a bulk amount (10+ masks) please drop off at one of the following locations. Collection boxes will be located by the entrance of each library from 9 am to 6 pm:

– Northeast Dade – Aventura Branch

2930 Aventura Boulevard

Aventura, FL 33180


– South Miami Branch

6000 Sunset Drive

South Miami, FL 33143


– Arcola Lakes Branch

8240 NW 7 Avenue

Miami, FL 33150


– Kendall Lakes Branch

15205 SW 88 Street

Miami, FL 33196


– West Dade Regional Library

9445 Coral Way

Miami, FL 33165


At drop off/ pick up please make sure to observe CDC guidance to keep yourself safe:

1. Stay at least 6 feet apart from the nearest person.

2. Wash your hands before and after touching any surfaces and wear gloves if possible.

3. Wear a face mask.

4. For your safety, go to drop-off locations once you have sewn/collected a bulk number of masks to reduce the number of times you leave your house. If you show any symptoms, please stay home and contact your health provider.

5. Share and tag The Homeless Trust in photos of your masks on facebook, twitter, and instagram.


With information of the Homeless Trust website.

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