
Customer service in times of crisis

South Florida is characterized by its wide range of products and services, but since the pandemic, it is common to wait long times for a table in a restaurant, to stay in hotels where the cleaning of the rooms is minimal or not at all, to see empty shelves in the supermarket, endure bad attention on the telephone lines…

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The new normal in the economy.

Since March 2020, the United States has been experiencing an economic transformation that is changing the game’s rules.
For this reason, 2022 will be the year of readjustment, which does not mean returning to pre-pandemic levels, but rather beginning to face a new normal.

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The Renewal of the Holiday Cheer

Actually, many people began planning the end-of-the-year Holidays since mid-September, when stores stocked up with Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas decorations at the same time. It is as if people wanted to suck up every little second of life and make it festive.

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