City Council approved site plan modification of Legacy at Doral

DORAL, FL – City of Doral Council approved by unanimous vote on Wednesday, March 22nd, the site plan modification of Legacy at Doral, located at 2525 NW 82 Avenue, Doral, FL.

The request for the modification was made by EWE Warehouse Investments XXXII, Ltd., on this project of which the first administrative site plan was approved on September 2, 2015, and then amended by several minor changes in the subsequent years between 2015 and 2022.

Under the site plan modification presented during the Council meeting, Legacy at Doral would be a six-story property consisting of 185 multi-family residential dwelling units with 654 parking spaces, 76,244 square feet of ground floor open space, and an amenity and pool deck area combined.  In addition, the plan approved includes 106 trees and vehicular access provided via NW 82 Avenue.

At the meeting, staff of the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Doral as well as a representative of the applicant company displayed a full descriptive presentation of the project including all the amendments approved throughout the years, and a map of the area where it would be located, which is known as the Doral Design District, bounded by NW 37 Street on the north, south by NW 25 Street, west by NW 82 Avenue, and east by the Palmetto Expressway.

According to the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Doral, the application is consistent with the city’s comprehensive plan and land development regulations, which is why it recommended approval subject to conditions set forth in the resolution.

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