City of Doral is Recognized by the World Council on City Data

DORAL, FL— The City of Doral achieved recognition for implementing ISO 37120 for the sixth consecutive year. Dr. Patricia McCarney – President and CEO of the World Council on City Data (WCCD) – recognized Mayor Christi Fraga, the Council and City Staff for Doral’s implementation of ISO 37120 (Indicators for Sustainable Cities) for the years 2020 and 2021 at the highest Platinum Level.

Receiving this important, data-driven achievement for six consecutive years builds on Doral’s similar data-driven successes in the past. Beyond its multiple WCCD ISO 37120 certifications, Doral is the first city in the United States to be awarded WCCD’s “Early Adopter” Certification for implementing the WCCD’s newest standards, ISO 37122 (Indicators for Smart Cities) and ISO 37123 (Indicators for Resilient Cities).

Doral’s continued participation as a leader in the WCCD’s global network of over 100 cities across more than thirty-five countries supports Council’s dedication to building a more prosperous, smart, sustainable, and resilient future for residents.

“The City of Doral has been a long-standing partner of the WCCD,” stated Mayor Fraga. “Now equipped with over six years of data, City leadership is well positioned to harness this information to understand where we’ve been and to determine the best path forward through the high caliber data we collect annually with the support of the WCCD.”

In her remarks, Dr. McCarney congratulated the City of Doral, its leadership, staff, and important partners in Miami-Dade County for this accomplishment. “The WCCD is privileged to work with cities around the world in helping them to harness high caliber, globally standardized and independently verified city data to drive prosperous change, and Doral is at the top of that list,” stated Dr. McCarney.

“Through the WCCD’s partnership with Mayor Fraga, Council and the dedicated teams within Doral and Miami-Dade, we look forward to continued WCCD-Doral cooperation for many years. Congratulations to Mayor Fraga, Council, and all involved in this partnership, highlighting Doral as a leader in Florida, the United States, and globally.”

Beyond the opportunity to recognize Doral for its dedication to data-driven prosperity, Dr. McCarney also announced Doral’s inclusion in a new joint United Nations and WCCD Pilot on City resilience. “Through a long-standing partnership with the United Nations, the WCCD is working with a select group of cities worldwide to harness the data within ISO 37123 to drive a more resilient future for cities worldwide. Doral was an immediate candidate for inclusion in this important pilot initiative.”

“Doral will be a strategic member of this global conversation on making cities more resilient, and the lessons it shares with other cities will be as important as the lessons it learns. Alongside our UN Partners, we are pleased to work with Doral, Mayor Fraga, Council and Staff.”

Responding to Dr. McCarney, Mayor Fraga underlined Doral’s commitment to driving a more resilient future for the city. “With the continuing changes that we see all around us, becoming more resilient in response to extreme weather events is extremely important to Doral. However, we also know that cities face economic challenges beyond extreme weather – especially as we take Doral’s economy to even greater heights following the challenges presented by COVID-19. Participating in this UN/WCCD Pilot Project will allow us to learn from other cities worldwide and share with them what we have learned in our commitment to making our city more resilient.”

Working with the WCCD, the Pilot initiative will be implemented in partnership with the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), the UN agency tasked with supporting city-level resilience.


*Information and photo provided by City of Doral

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