City of Doral Joined Ocean Bank in “Shred A Thon” Identity Theft Prevention Event

Doral, FL – City of Doral Vice Mayor Michael DiPietro and the Doral Police Department participated in a joint partnership to fight identity theft with the Ocean Bank Doral Branch during the “Shred A Thon” Identity Theft Prevention Event, on Wednesday, August 10, 2011.
“We are thankful to Ocean Bank for providing this opportunity for the public to destroy documents in a safe manner so they can protect their identity, while bringing attention to the problem of identity theft,” said Doral Vice Mayor Michael DiPietro.
Identity theft is a criminal offense in which an offender steals key pieces of personal identifying information to gain access to the victim’s financial accounts. This event was aimed to bring awareness on identity theft and offer the public an opportunity to protect valuable information by bringing sensitive documents and shredding onsite.
“The City of Doral is pleased to participate with Ocean Bank in this joint partnership to encourage residents to safeguard their identity in order to avoid financial damage,” said Doral Chief of Police Ricardo Gomez.
“With identity theft growing to be a major problem nationwide, it is important to promote the awareness against identity theft. Ocean Bank wanted to offer an opportunity for the public to know how to prevent identity theft,” said Ocean Bank Security Director Sergio Pinon.
Other local authorities, including representatives from the United States Secret Service, the United States Postal Inspection Service and the Florida Attorney General’s Office were onsite to answer questions and provide information.
For more information about fighting back against identity theft, please call 1-877-438-4338 or visit