City of Doral Swears in Zeida Sardiñas as new City Manager

By: Diana Bello Aristizábal

DORAL, FL – Zeida Sardiñas became the new Doral City Manager on Dec. 26, 2024, during a special council meeting and on Thursday, Jan. 23, 2025, was the swearing-in ceremony at Doral’s City Hall.

In what was a touching and emotional moment, Mrs. Sardiñas was sworn in surrounded by her family, friends and colleagues together with City of Doral councilmembers, mayor Christi Fraga, vice mayor Maureen Porras, councilwomen Nicole Reinoso and Digna Cabral, and councilman Rafael Pineyro. 

The new city manager was sworn in by FIU’s president, Kenneth Jessell, who referred to Zeida as a “competent professional, wonderful wife and mother” and, most importantly, “a proud FIU panther.”

But he was not the only one who praised Zeida Sardiñas. Mayor Christi Fraga also approached the podium to congratulate her and make remarks on her achievements. 

“It’s an honor to stand before you today to welcome a leader that embodies everything that we strive for in Doral, integrity, hard work, and an unwavering commitment to excellence,” said Fraga.

“I’ve had the privilege of knowing Zeida since 2014, when she first joined my office as my legislative analyst. From day one, she impressed me with her professionalism, intellect, and unwavering determination. Over the years, Zeida has grown into one of the most accomplished leaders I’ve ever worked with,” Christi cemented.

After being sworn-in, Sardiñas gave a speech that included parts in Spanish in which she thanked her parents for taking the difficult decision of leaving their native Cuba behind in the 1970s to raise their only child in a country where they could enjoy freedom. 

“I owe everything to them, my principles, my education, my professional ethic, my respect for others, and my great commitment to raise my children in the same way they raised me,” said the new manager in Spanish. 

Lastly, she said this moment of being sworn in is “deeply meaningful” to her not only for the trust the City Council has placed on her, but because it allows her to give back to a community that has profoundly influenced her life.

“For five out of the last 11 years, I’ve had the privilege of serving this great city. Throughout my career, in both the public and private sectors, I worked on leading strategic initiatives that strengthen local economies, improve municipal services, and preserved historic landmarks. In Doral, I helped evaluate key proposals, legislation, and community-driven projects that enhance transportation initiatives, educational opportunities, and quality of life.

Those experiences, she mentioned, have given her “a unique perspective” on the challenges and prospects facing this city. “I’m eager to use this knowledge in my role as City Manager.”

Zeida Sardiñas’ priorities

Among her aspirations are strengthening public safety with increased police presence that includes specialized units; enhancing traffic safety measures and effective crime prevention strategies; fostering strong community partnerships and robust public awareness campaigns; and maintaining Doral’s financial excellence.

She also plans to work in enhancing infrastructure and transportation options by increasing Doral trolley routes and shelters, exploring additional on-demand transit services, and improving walkability by conducting stormwater and street lighting improvements.

In addition, Sardiñas said she’ll focus on managing smart growth and development that is in line with the city’s comprehensive plan to ensure that it “remains a premier community true to the unique character and values of its residents.”

At the same time, her efforts will go towards increasing cultural and recreational activities by completing the second phase of Doral Central Park and expanding arts and cultural events to enhance quality of life for residents, including seniors and families.

And she’ll also work in expanding smart technology and communication to ensure real-time transparent access to information, services, and city initiatives.

“During my interview process, councilwoman Nicole Reinoso asked me what my priorities would be during my first 100 days. As I shared with her and the council, my focus will be on strengthening city operations by creating a stable and efficient work environment that attracts and retains top talent as we effectively assess departmental needs and align resources with strategic objectives.”

The new manager also mentioned that she will review and advance on the ongoing park and transportation projects to ensure they remain on time, on budget, and that they meet community expectations and in promoting community engagement at city events, hosting neighborhood forums, and conducting surveys to hear directly from residences and businesses, as well as fostering partnerships with Miami-Dade County, the school board, FIU, Miami-Dade College, neighboring cities, and private entities to drive economic growth and modernization. 

Mrs. Sardiñas has more than 25 years of experience in business/fiscal management, public administration, government affairs, public policy, real-estate investment, asset management, building project management, publishing, and academia.

She previously worked as the asset manager for the City of Coral Gables, where she was responsible for the development and management of city-owned leased properties as well as the acquisition and disposition of city-owned assets. 

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