Clemente Vera is running for City of Doral Council.
On Tuesday, January 17th, Clemente Vera submitted to the Doral City Clerk’s office his initial documentation as a candidate to become a member of the City of Doral Council during the November 2012 election.
Here’s his letter:

“Dear Family, Friends, and Neighbors:
With great pleasure, on Tuesday, January 17th, I submitted to the Doral City Clerk’s office my initial documentation as a candidate to become a member of the City of Doral Council during the November 2012 election.
As a Doral resident since the year 2000 and as a volunteer to community actions such as The Parks & Police 4 Kids Foundation in Doral, The Doral Business Council member, Kiwanis Club, The Greater Hialeah Chamber of Commerce & Industries Board Member, City personnel board, and other local causes, I feel it is time to take a stronger stance for my home community and make it the best it can be.
Although our city has headed in the right direction since it was founded, I want to apply my experience and knowledge to realize continued local government improvements. For example, efficiencies and better customer service can occur at the Doral Building Department. I will also focus on holding the line against tax increases and ensuring that taxpayers are receiving the best services that they are paying for.
During this 2012 election season, the City of Doral will have two council seats open for certain, and a good possibility of a third seat opening as well. Once the qualifying period begins, I will run for the best seat available to ensure that I become a Councilman and able to serve.
Serving as a Council member with new ideas and leadership, and continuing the success our city has endured in the past eight years will be a great personal honor.
I want to thank you in advance for your support and investment in my campaign. In the near future, I look forward to visiting with you and listening to your concerns and ideas for the future of our city.
Thank you, and God Bless You,
Clemente Vera”
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Clemente Vera for Doral City Council.