Doral Academy Charter High School participated in the Mu Alpha Theta State Math Convention.
Doral Academy Charter High School participated in the Mu Alpha Theta State Math Convention in Orlando April 17-18, and was ranked 14th out of 56 schools. Doral was the highest ranking school from Miami-Dade County.

Individual awards were awarded to : Mariam Cruz, Analytic Geometry, 5th place and Complex Numbers, 13th; Felipe Contipelli, Equations & Inequalities,9th; Carolina Mora, Theta Applications, 18th and Equations & Inequalities, 20th; Amanda Fernandez, Theta Functions, 16th and Logs & Exponents, 19th; Bradley Ramunas, Matrices & Vectors, 13th; Daniel Herrera, Calculus Applications, 20th; Vivek Brahmatewari, Trigonometry, 18th.
Teams winning awards included: Computers, 3rd place ( Ramunas, Kiran Brahmatewari, Herrera); Gemini, 13th ( Ramunas & Jesus Nunez); Relay team, 6th (Contipelli, Franco Vera, Fernandez); Alpha Bowl, 9th (Ramunas, Cruz, Contipelli, Nunez); Poster, 7th (Liliet Sosa, Daniela Hernandez, Crystal Zhang, Monica Novoa, Tiffany Leesang).
The Squirty Chicken awards are presented to the top ten students in each division, based on their performance in every competition for the entire season. Anirudh Rahul placed 8th in the geometry division.
The high school team will attend national convention in Salt Lake City end of July.

Also, The Doral Academy Middle School students competed in the county and state MathCounts contest. For the second year Doral students took first place at the Miami-Dade County regional competition and were invited to state. Seven Doral students were invited to the state round. The team consisted of Anirud Rahul, Fabiano Andrade. Douglas Shu, Pedro Contipelli, Tomas Alvarez and Camila Manerio.
Eight of Doral’s 7th graders have qualified for the Duke TIP summer program. Students are recognized by their scores on an official SAT math test. Two students graders have been invited to the grand recognition ceremony. Anirudh Rahul scored 770 out of 800 possible points and Fabiano Andrade scored 730. Several others scored in the 500-700 range.
The sponsors, teachers, and administrators at Doral Academy Charter High and Middle Schools are very proud of the hard work and extra hours these student put into their math studies.