Doral Police Deploys Body Worn Camera Program.


In the coming weeks, the Doral Police Department will be implementing the use of body-worn cameras (BWC) for greater accountability, enhanced public trust, and a safer community. The use of BWC is seen as the future of modern policing because it creates a real-time, permanent record of all encounters and interactions between police officers and members of the public.  In addition, numerous studies conducted have shown that the use of BWC results in a reduction of false complaints, and lawsuits against police departments.

The BWC system is designed to record both audio and video.  This allows for an additional form of documentation for arrests and critical incidents.  The audio and video recordings also enhance this agency’s ability to review probable cause for arrest, member and civilian interaction, evidence for investigative and prosecutorial purposes, and to provide additional information for member evaluation and training.  They also serve to ensure the accuracy of member reports and testimony in court.  The BWC system may also be useful in documenting crime and accident scenes and other events that include the confiscation and documentation of contraband or evidence.

To further inform the community, the Doral Police Department is holding public workshops on Wednesday, November 14th at 6:00 p.m. at Doral Legacy Park (11400 NW 82nd St) and on Wednesday, November 28th at 6:00 p.m. at the Doral Police Training Center (3719 NW 97th Ave).


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