Doral Public Schools are ready for an outstanding 2011-2012

 By Dominique Barba.

Doral Family Journal has endeavored to maintain the Doral community informed. Having shared all aspects of the school district, we have sought to inquire about our region and for that we interviewed Dr. Carmen Marinelli, Superintendent for the North Central Region, Ms. Mayra Falcon, Eugenia Thomas  K-8 Principal  and Feeder Pattern Principals Representative and finally  Dr. Jacques Bentolila, Principal of Ronald Reagan Doral Senior High. They gave us their views and we share them to you.

Dr. Marinelli

Superintendent for the North Central Region

 DFJ: We know there are going to be some changes in the public school system: feeder partners, boundaries, number of regions, etc. We would like to inform the parents about these changes.

Dr. Marinelli: “MDCPS has moved to 4 regions instead of 5. The regions are now: North, North Central, South Central and South. What was formerly Region I is now referred to as North Central. The schools in the City of Doral are part of this region. Dr. Carmen B. Marinelli is the Region Superintendent for the North Central Region. The Directors are Ms. Jennifer Andreu, Dr. Neraida Smith and Mr. Richard Vidal. Dr. Smith is the Director for the Doral feeder pattern.”

DFJ: The 2011-12 MDCPS budget includes significant cuts; can you please share with me a brief description about how do you, as a Region Superintendent, will face this challenge?

Dr. Marinelli: “Due to the financial outlook for the state and the country, the Region is assisting schools in maximizing all their resources. We have worked with schools to be innovative and to ensure that they have the resources in place to provide quality programs throughout the school year. Schools have looked at the whole picture and make decisions right for their individual school community.”

DFJ: Do you have a message for the Doral community?

Dr. Marinelli: “The 2011- 2012 school year will bring many wonderful opportunities for our school communities. It is our goal to make sure that each student is provided a quality education. Sharing with students and their families each student’s strengths and building upon those, we will be a able to target a students learning. MDCPS has a wealth of information for us to share with students and parents and one of our goals is make this more accessible to our school communities. We are sure that the Doral community will continue to be involved and part of this great working relationship. All of us in the North Central Region and in the Doral Feeder Pattern are here to work with you hand in hand to continue the great tradition of excellence in this community. We know that together we can make a positive impact on our community.


Ms. Mayra Falcon

Principal Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center

DFJ: The 2011-12 MDCPS budget includes significant cuts; can you please share with me a brief description about how do you, on behalf of the Feeder Pattern Principals, will face this challenge?

Ms. Falcon: As we continue to face budget cuts its important that prior planning took place in anticipation to this year’s shortfall.  Knowing in advance what we were to face, we have made careful considerations on how we utilize our dollars.  We have planned wisely and have purchased  essential needs, keeping in mind to set funds aside for emergencies should they arises. However, we feel that the shortfall will not be a direct impact on our students because we have made the necessary adjustments even as of last year to ensure our staff, students and buildings are well equipped with the resources and equipment needed.  We are fortunate that our District has initiated and purchased many web-based programs which is an advantage to our students and at no cost to our schools.  This, in itself is a great saving and peace of mind for us. Planning is key and we are ready to Open our doors on August 22nd and provide our students with the best education.  We look forward to yet another successful year.

DFJ: Do you have a message for your students and parents?

Ms. Falcon: The Principals in the RR/Doral High Feeder Pattern are very excited to receive our returning and New students as well as their parents and our wonderful Staff.  We  have reviewed our Data and other needs  and have made the necessary adjustments to align our curriculum to meet the needs of our students. As usual, we will be providing enrichment and intervention as needed and look forward to making it a fun learning year for all. As you may know, we in the RR/Doral Feeder Pattern have high expectations for our students because we know they can and will succeed.  We wish to thank our wonderful parents for their assistance and involvement both at home and in our schools. Additionally we wish to thank our City of Doral Dade Partners and PTA/PTSA members who are instrumental in making learning interesting and fun. As we embark upon the new school year, we look forward to exposing our students to new programs and  initiatives and look forward to  celebrating  their success as they shine and make our schools shine. We are very fortunate to have such talented students and staff that work hard and are truly dedicated to education.



Dr. Jacques Bentolila

Principal Ronal Reagan Senior High School

DFJ: “The 2011-12 MDCPS budget includes significant cuts; please provide a brief description about how do you, as a principal, will face this challenge?

Dr. Bentolila:  As a principal I am charged with the responsibility of creating our budget each year. A school’s budget is largely tied to personnel; the remainder is then budgeted to ensure that we have the supplies and resources we need to sustain us through the school year.  With the reduction of funding we are receiving from the State we have had to tighten our belts, but if any cuts are made we keep them as far away from student instruction as possible.  I always keep the students and their education first, as I always say “Graduation is job 1!”

DFJ: “It will also be important if you can provide a message to the RRDSH  parents and students regarding the new school year and your expectations

Dr. Bentolila: “I am looking forward to our 2011-12 school year.  As we do each year we will analyze our results from last year, see our challenges for this year and identify a course of action that will provide the best education for our students.  It is expected that each student will perform to their maximum potential and we will continue to lead with distinction.



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