Earn High School and College Credit at the Same Time at Miami Dade College!


Next Semester Start date: June 19

Dual enrollment is a program that allows students currently attending Miami Dade County public schools, participating private and charter schools, or home school, to simultaneously enroll in college courses. The credits that students earn at MDC count toward high school graduation and can also be applied to a college degree or certificate.

What are the Benefits of Dual Enrollment?

  • It saves you and your parents money because dual enrollment students are exempt from paying tuition, fees, and books
  • It will take you less time to attain a college degree or certificate because you will get credits that are transferrable to a college or university
  • Enrolling at MDC gives outstanding high school and middle school students a wider range of courses to choose from

Who is Eligible?

Students in grades 6-12 who are enrolled in Miami-Dade County public schools, participating private and charter schools, or home school are eligible to participate in the MDC dual enrollment program.

What are the Requirements?

A minimum 3.0 high school unweighted grade point average (GPA)

Demonstrated readiness for college coursework through the assessment of communication and computation skills (as established in State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.0315)*.

Students must have an understanding that the amount of work necessary to succeed in dual enrollment courses will be greater than in high school courses.

Students participating in dual enrollment must earn a grade of “C” or higher in their college-level courses and maintain a 3.0 GPA in high school to continue participation. Students whose college GPA falls below 2.0 are ineligible to continue dual enrollment.

Students may lose eligibility if they are disruptive to the learning process.

All Dual Enrollment courses must be approved by their secondary school counselors.

Courses taken in Dual Enrollment will be used to meet the student’s high school graduation requirement.

*High school dual enrollment students who do not meet the statutory eligibility requirements (mandated GPA, test scores, and alternate methods) may be eligible to take courses from a select list. Students should contact their high school counselors for more information.

College-Credit dual enrollment [includes college credit certificates, Associate in Science (AS) degrees or Associate in Arts (AA) degrees].

Middle School students must meet the 3.0 GPA requirement and pass all 3 sections of the college placement examination.



Contact Information:

Mayte Castro Pino

Director of Student Success

Miami Dade College West Campus

3800 NW 115th Ave Doral, Fl. Room 2121

Email: mpino@mdc.edu

Phone: 305 237 – 8530


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