Governor Ron DeSantis suspends local COVID-19 emergency orders

DORAL, FL – Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an executive order Monday morning to suspend all local COVID-19 emergency orders.

The bill will be effective on July 1, but meanwhile he will use his executive powers to invalidate the still remaining orders. This will go into effect immediately. 

“To bridge the gap between then and now, I’m going to suspend under my executive power the local emergency orders as it relates to COVID,” said DeSantis during a news conference.

Alongside restricting all local COVID-19 emergency orders, the SB-2006 bill will also ban vaccine passports in the state.

This means, all businesses, schools and government agencies are prohibited from demanding people to show proof of having been vaccinated. 

“I think that’s the evidence-based thing to do. I think folks that are saying they need to be policing people at this point, if you’re saying that, then you’re really saying you don’t believe in the vaccines,” added Florida governor.

He also mentioned the bill is intended to limit power of local governments that have gone too far with COVID-19 restrictions by closing businesses and keeping children out of school.

“Over the last year, we’ve seen some of the abuses. We want to make sure we stop that…I think the approach here is showing Florida leading the way.”

On March 2020, all Miami-Dade County municipalities began issuing emergency orders to prevent the coronavirus from spreading over the population.

In Doral, such measures took place on March 12th when Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez declared a State of Emergency due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One thought on “Governor Ron DeSantis suspends local COVID-19 emergency orders

  • ” This means, all businesses, schools and government agencies are prohibited from demanding people to show proof of having been vaccinated. ”

    Yet the Governor ignores a school here in Miami who will not hire those who ARE vaccinated and does not want vaccinated staff to go near the students .

    Yes they are a private business but so are the places he wants to prohibit from requiring vaccinations .

    Rather hypocritical of him.

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