Liliam M. Lopez was granted a Doctor Honoris Causa

DORAL, FL – Liliam M. Lopez was granted a Doctor Honoris Causa in Humanities and Arts by David Armstrong, President of St. Thomas University.

Lopez, President and CEO of South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (SFLHCC) was also chosen as the guest speaker at the 2023 student graduation ceremony.

This is yet another recognition for her that as one of the four founder members of SFLHCC has contributed to position the Chamber in the top 5 for the best and biggest ones in the country with more than 1600 members. 

Her work began in 1994 when Lopez and other three individuals created the Chamber, the first one ever led by a woman in Miami-Dade County. Later, in 1996, she started the Chamber’s foundation with which she has given $1 million dollars in scholarships for minority low-income students. 

Liliam M. Lopez, originally from La Habana (Cuba), has had a prominent career that began after obtaining a degree in political science from St. Thomas University and a certificate in paralegal studies from the University of Miami. 

It was right after concluding her studies, that Lopez landed her first professional job as an executive director for the Spanish American League Against Discrimination (SALAD). Then, after two years, she moved on to fulfill her dream of creating a chamber that has been a good example for the community in many ways. For instance, it was the only chamber that operated throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

The South Florida Hispanic Chamber of Commerce is integrated by small, medium and big size corporations and beliefs firmly in opening a space for everyone. For this reason, small companies can pay a small fee of $300 a year to become members. 

Being a member of this group comes with benefits due to the many activities and events scheduled throughout the year that members can attend to, which provides opportunities for networking and making alliances with other companies. 

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