Pete Cabrera officially launches Campaign for City of Doral Mayor.

Doral, FL – On the evening of March 20, Council Member Pete Cabrera officially launched his campaign for City of Doral Mayor at a reception hosted at Harvest Delight in Doral.  More than 350 friends, supporters, and family members attended the event.

 Council Member Pete Cabrera shared his vision for the future of Doral that focuses on continuing to improve the quality of life for families, while helping develop Doral as the epicenter of the future economic growth of Miami-Dade County.

 “I have had the honor to serve as a member the Doral City Council for the last nine years.  During that time, great progress has been made for our community.  I now look forward to using that experience to continue the progress and help take Doral to the next level.  I have been part of every decision made and clearly understand what works and what needs to be improved.  Come November, I will be ready to forward immediately.”

 Pete Cabrera is a 54 year-old business executive and has lived in Doral for 24 years. He has been on the City Council since its creation and was the City’s first Vice Mayor.  He is married to Josie Cabrera and proud father of two adult children and teenage stepson.

—————–  En Español  ————–

Pete Cabrera lanza oficialmente su Campaña para Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral

 Doral, FL – En la noche del 20 de marzo, el Concejal Pete Cabrera lanzó oficialmente su campaña para Alcalde de la Ciudad de Doral alcalde en una recepción en el restaurante Harvest Delight en Doral.  Más de 350 amigos, simpatizantes y familiares asistieron al evento.

 El Concejal Pete Cabrera compartió su visión para el futuro de Doral que se centra en continuar mejorando la calidad de vida de las familias, mientras que ayudar a desarrollar Doral como el epicentro del futuro crecimiento económico de Miami-Dade.

 “He tenido el honor de servir como miembro del Concejo de Doral durante los últimos nueve años. Durante ese tiempo, un gran progreso se ha logrado para nuestra comunidad. Ahora espero a usar esa experiencia para continuar con el progreso y ayudar a Doral alcanzar el próximo nivel. He sido parte de cada decisión tomada y entiendo claramente lo que funciona y lo que hay que mejorar. En noviembre, voy a estar listo para ir hacia delante de inmediato”.

Pete Cabrera tiene 54 años de edad, es un empresario y ha vivido en Miami durante 24 años. Ha sido parte del Concejo desde de su comienzo y fue el primer Vice Alcalde de Cuidad. Está casado con Josie Cabrera y es el orgulloso padre de dos hijos adultos y su hijastro adolescente.

One thought on “Pete Cabrera officially launches Campaign for City of Doral Mayor.

  • Where did Mr. Cabrera go to School ? did he attend high School and College?? I ask since some people told me he does not have a high school degree?? I disagree but have not found any supporting evidence to say otherwise. I know he has a certificate but they told me it was given at a later time and he never attended the school?? Is that true?

    Thank you


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