Presentation for S.A.F.E in RRSHS.

The Ronald W. Reagan Doral Senior High School Administration and PTSA is proud to present our first joint community event. Please invite as many parents and students as you can as this is a life saving program. It is set for September 15th at 6:00 PM in the school auditorium. Attached you will find more information.

Stay Alive From Education (S.A.F.E.) presenters of “Street Smart” is a non-profit organization dedicated to making young adults aware of the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, texting and/or e mailing while driving, not wearing seat belts, and the trauma associated with these dangers. The goal of S.A.F.E. is to offer information that will allow the audience to make rational decisions concerning their safety and well being, thus reducing injuries and fatalities, giving them the opportunity to become responsible and healthy adults.



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