School district launches new products to benefit students.

By Dominique Barba.

As the start of classes gets nearer, much has been talked about the substantial budget cuts the school system will be facing and educators and parents alike are starting to get anxious. But, the Superintendent of Schools Alberto M. Carvalho shared the new product roll-out for Miami-Dade County Public Schools (M-DCPS. The new offerings represent a comprehensive line of products to enrich and enhance the education of the school district’s students, families, employees and the community.

“As we welcome the new school year, let me share with you the new product roll-out for our school district which I recently announced at the last school board meeting” said Superintendent. “I can assure you that it has been the boldest new product launch of any school district in the nation.”  The offerings include:

       –    Schools 21st Century Banking Transformation Initiative to leverage both online and back-end processing.

  • Two new Autism Academies – South Dade Middle Autism Academy and Homestead Senior High School Autism Academy
  • Braman Automotive Training Center, a state-of-the-art training program for M-DCPS graduates
  • Bridges to Tomorrow, which provides students with special needs an opportunity to have internships and hands-on work experience
  • M-DCPS Children’s Wellness Center, a partnership with local universities and Larkin Community Hospital to provide a full-service health center
  • The Medical Clinic at Miami Jackson Senior High School, a primary care and wellness center for insured staff
  • The District Charter School Management Organization (DCMO) offers administrative and operational services to charter schools
  • Employee Services Center, a one-stop shopping center for human resource services
  • Everybody Mentors, which recruits adult volunteers to mentor at-risk students
  • Enhancing Exceptional Student Education and Learning (EXSEL) Hub is a research and education hub serving special needs students including students with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD and/or behavioral disabilities and their families
  • Grad Nation Project, a blended learning model of virtual and face-to-face instruction
  • Expansion of Health Connect in Our Schools (HCiOS)
  • Infant and Toddler Centers, a model child care program for children of employees and the community
  • K-8 Centers Intramurals programs
  • Links to Learning 2.0 provides Online Digital Tools to expand learning beyond the traditional school day
  • M-DCPS eCampus, provides teachers with access to free online instructional materials
  • Online Merit Marks, an online merit system mechanism allowing principals to recognize staff
  • Eighteen (18) new magnet school programs in 17 schools, which include Cambridge Academies, Scholar’s Program, Science & Technology, Legal Studies & Forensic Sciences and Arts & Humanities. The District is offering the first 6-12 grade level configuration at two schools.
  • Peer to Peer, an in-person and online mentoring program for at-risk students
  • Teacher Performance Pay
  • School Administrator Performance Pay
  • Partnership for Children’s Health, Education, and Economic Resources (CHEER) Project to streamline the delivery of health, education, social services and economic support
  • Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP)
  • Secondary Student Success Centers Expansion, a program for over aged middle school students
  • Teach for America (TFA) Lead School, a school comprised of TFA teachers, who are high-performing college graduates from elite universities

“As residents of the ever-growing community of Doral, you can appreciate the value and significance of these new initiatives on the part of M-DCPS. You have a group of schools that illustrates the quality of our educational program. Starting with Ronald W. Reagan/Doral Senior High School, and supported by Doral Middle School and three  K-8 centers, Eugenia B. Thomas, John I. Smith, and Rolando Espinosa, these are schools that recognize that all students can strive for success through the development of character, literacy, and personal generosity. These are learning institutions that are committed to creating an environment in which its students are inspired to reach their potential, become productive citizens, and embrace life-long learning” said Alberto Carvalho..

“Finally, in welcoming you to the new school year, let me make a plea to Doral residents and parents to become involved in your schools’ activities. There are countless opportunities to serve on various working committees throughout the year. Whether through the traditional route of PTSA or through school committees appointed by the principal, your participation and personal involvement in your child’s education is much needed, and it will yield generous results in the future”.

For additional information he invite you to visit the website:

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