The importance of Detox.

By Nicole Fox.

When talking about detoxifying the body, people always wonder when the best time to detox is and why? My advice is when the spring and autumn season begins. During the autumn we detox because the body prepares to accumulate high fats and oils consumed during the winter season, just like a raccoon eats nuts to get a layer of fat to keep them warm from the snow. And during the spring we detox for the complete opposite reason, to get rid of the excess fats we ate. Toxic substances are found in the air, water and soil.  In addition to our toxic environment, we also expose ourselves everyday to toxins with our lifestyle choices like processed foods, cigarettes, cleaning products, drink alcohol, auto exhaust, synthetic drugs, personal hygiene products, etc.

So how do we know we need to detox? Well if you haven’t yet done it; believe me when I say you are ready to do some mayor body cleaning. You clean your house every week right? Think of your body as your house. When you clean your body internally you will experience some of the following benefits: The right detox improves overall health and vitality, increases energy levels, improves digestion, helps control weight (even weight loss in some cases, definitely mine!), decreases risk of disease and chronic health conditions, and increases general ability to live lighter in body, mind and spirit!

Here are some ways to detox. Calling into my raw food chef experience, I recommend doing it with all natural organic juices, like the ones I prepare for my clients when they do my personalized detox program.  Green vegetables juice will help you detoxify your body from toxins and give you all the nutrients, vitamins, chlorophyll, and fiber that you need.  A great green vegetables supplement that I recommend is Genesis Today’s GenEssentials™ Greens available at Apple A Day Natural Food store in Miami Beach, is a potent, premium blend of food-based nutrition made from a powerful combination of organic green superfoods delivering the phytonutrients equal to 3-5 servings of dark green leafy vegetables in every serving.  Fruits are also great for detox, my favorite are grapes, apples, strawberries, blue berries, pineapple, papaya, and many others. Coconut water is also recommended because it contains electrolytes which help hydrate the body. Drink a hot cup of water with lemon first thing in the morning to open up you’re circulatory system and alkalinize the body fluids, this will speed up the rate of detoxification.

I hope this helps you understand the importance of cleaning your body. If you want more information on the topic of detoxification feel free to contact me via





One thought on “The importance of Detox.

  • Would a day of eating only fruits or real fruit juice be considered a fast? Two days? Ive been thinking about doing this so …Thanks for your timely post.

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