Woman Power for Sandra Ruiz as Vice Mayor of Doral.
By Grecia Romero.
The word “power” has many definitions. Some immediately associate this term with the ability to command, the imposition of a point of view or in the decision-making process. For Sandra Ruiz, Vice Mayor of the City of Doral, “power” means something quite different. In her view, power “is only a tool that permits someone to serve in their community; it is the ability to combine strategies to achieve the objectives that will enable us to live better but always following moral and civic rules”. In other words she sees power as, “an opportunity to provide service”, a window to use the resources and advantages of a position for the benefit of the community.
During her ten years and more of civic activism, Sandra has demonstrated with facts her concern for our city and her disposition to serve it. The high moral, religious and family values with which she has lived throughout her life have motivated her to participate in activities to help others. These interests were the spark that led her to become part of the founding group of Doral in the year 2001, and her subsequent role as councilor of the local government for eight consecutive years. This experience allowed her to recognize and understand first-handily our community and its problems.
Sandra, being a powerful woman, is aware of her ability to deliver capacity and work. She sees this “power as a destiny, as a journey that fills her with great satisfaction and personal fulfillment”. She distances herself from the concept of dominant power that seeks to monopolize any opportunity of growth, or the one that only wants to feed egos. In her current position, she is fully aware of her role and seeks to accomplish devotedly her mission of “protecting our city and fixing it for the next decade”.
Political Activism and Power Relation.
Sandra never thought she would be part of Doral’s founding Committee, but she is proud to have lived those “golden years” where the sense of power was given by the unification of a group of friends and neighbors trying to do good things, achieving a common purpose. It was without doubt during this time that she was able to show that through teamwork and with the appropriate use of talent and abilities she could achieve many things by putting to one side her personal interests, stereotypes and egos, and positioning in first place the collective interest and welfare.
Since that beginning Ruiz has been a firm leader; she has been in continuous contact with the community and she appreciates that connection. Her interest is to be close to the residents and to support them in all the aspects that she can. Her community activism never stops and she maintains an open door philosophy. Ruiz comments, “I dedicate time to attend and to understand the needs of the city. Being a public official does not mean we can solve all of the issues, but I exhaust all the resources that I have to orient and to direct the people to find a possible solution, or to present to them alternatives or contacts. I try to give them as much information as I can”.
For Ruiz civic activism is very important and it offers the ability to serve the individuals of a community. “Every person should feel the city where they live as their own, and this should motivate them to be involved and if possible to participate actively. For this it is vital to be educated in the responsibilities of a municipality.”
Doral relies on the Civic Academy, an educational vehicle available to all residents who are interested in knowing how the city operates and where it is headed. In spite of the goodwill of its members, City Hall cannot solve everything, but if the responsibilities of the municipality are known and understood clearly then the work can be carried out better.
Woman Power and Personal Equilibrium
As expected, to occupy a position like Sandra Ruiz’s implies a great amount of responsibility, of investment of time and commitment. But as it happens in everyone’s life, there is also a human side that cannot be forgotten and to maintain the balance between the duty and the human essence is where the secret of the success of a powerful person is situated. For the Vice Mayor of the City, this equilibrium is very important, although at times it is not an easy task. “It is a double loyalty by showing that professionally I want to do well but that at the same time, I have a family. My secret is that I do not try to sacrifice or to sabotage one for the other but I seek an equilibrium between both.”
As Ruiz adds, “Unfortunately there are no magic tricks that allow us to achieve that equilibrium and for this reason I have developed with my husband a strategy in which our contribution and understanding are the best ingredients. We help and coordinate ourselves in order to attend to our children and the needs of our family and I try to respect the time of each thing”. With an attitude of humility, Sandra recognizes that she is not a “superwoman”, but a woman that struggles to fulfill her family and her community.
The public environment where she works has taught her another aspect of the personal equilibrium that is essential in this type of role: to know how to fight with the disadvantages of her position, which in her opinion are the loss of privacy and the malicious criticism. For several years now, together with her family she has lived according to their code of honor, “to continue performing her work and to do the best in spite of the comments and the rumors”. This is what has permitted her to carry out with a fresh mind what one must do “allowing things to be left in the open without having to feel the responsibility of leaving or defending anything”, to summarize, facts speak more than words!
Female majority in the Council, Beneficial for the City?
As we all know, excluding Mayor Luigi Boria, women constitute the government body of this city. There are those that see this as an advantage and others as a drawback. In Ruiz’s opinion: “A woman in politics is a gift for the community. We see many things from a different point of view than men do. We are more detail-oriented, as women we position ourselves to the vision of a future although I think it is good that there is diversity in the Council.”
With the word “detail” Sandra refers to more than visual aspects. It implies the anticipation of the impact of her decisions “in the community, in the neighboring cities and in general to see with seriousness the additional responsibility of any implemented actions”. The challenge of these women is to support each other mutually and “to make the decisions that are beneficial to our city” without caring who the author of the proposal is. It is a commitment of help, not promises, because as councilwomen promises are difficult to keep since often things do not depend on an individual work, they depend on the economic and political environment and of the city.
Even though that this Council is recently beginning to integrate, and is learning to function like a team, it is a historic moment to show our community that a group of talented and professional women can work together to benefit everyone. As a woman, Sandra thinks that everyone “should put an effort so that there is harmony and confidence, in order to function like a group with one single voice”.
Woman of Power and Social Responsibility with Other Women.
Sandra furthers the opportunity to support this community beyond the walls of her office. She considers it very important to serve as a mentor to other women and to support them in their development and training. It is a way to exercise her leadership, to share her knowledge and to support the city. “Doral is composed of thousands of professional women that want to develop professionally. Women that wish to open their first business or expand an existing one. Mothers that aspire that things will be facilitated and that the community will offer them opportunities to be able to share quality time with their children”.
She encourages today’s women to become active in their children’s schools, in any civic work, art event, or any other area of interest. She motivates women “to have confidence in themselves and to work to identify those strong aspects that permit them to be fulfilled as a person, to know their limitations and to set clear goals following their call, their gift in life”.
For Sandra power comes with maturity and responsibility, without forgetting the qualities of a woman that lives to her fullness: with respect, honesty, love, commitment, understanding, courage and detail-orientated. These qualities without doubt make this Vice Mayor a Power Woman.
Poder de Mujer en Sandra Ruiz como Vice Alcaldesa de Doral
Por Grecia Romero.
Hay muchas definiciones para la palabra “poder”. Hay quienes inmediatamente relacionan este término con el don de mando, la imposición de puntos de vista o la toma de decisiones. Para Sandra Ruiz, Vice Alcaldesa de la Ciudad de Doral, significa algo muy distinto. En su perspectiva, poder “es solo un instrumento para hacer cosas en servicio de la comunidad; la capacidad de conjugar estrategias para lograr realizar los objetivos marcados que nos permitan vivir mejor pero siempre en obediencia de las reglas morales y cívicas”. En cortas palabras, una “oportunidad de servicio”, una ventana para utilizar los recursos y bondades de su cargo para beneficio de la comunidad.
En sus más de diez años de activismo cívico, Sandra ha demostrado con hechos ésta preocupación por su ciudad y su inclinación al servicio. Los altos valores morales, familiares y religiosos que ha vivido a lo largo de su vida la han motivado a participar en actividades de ayuda a los demás y estas vivencias fueron la chispa que la impulsaron para formar parte del grupo fundador de Doral en el año 2001, y su posterior rol como concejal del gobierno local por ocho años continuos. Esta experiencia le ha permitido discernir y entender de primera mano a esta comunidad y sus problemas.
Sandra como mujer poderosa está consciente de su capacidad de entrega y trabajo. Ve el “poder como un destino, un camino en cuyo viaje se encuentra la mayor satisfacción y realización personal”. Ella deja a un lado el concepto de poder dominante, que busca monopolizar cualquier oportunidad para seguir creciendo, o alimentar sus propios egos. En su posición actual, tiene claro su rol y busca cumplir a cabalidad su misión de “proteger la ciudad y repararla para la próxima década”.
Activismo Político y Relación de Poder.
Sandra nunca se planteó como meta pertenecer al Comité que instituyó la Ciudad de Doral, pero se siente orgullosa de haber vivido esos “años dorados” donde el sentido de poder venia dado por la “unión de un grupo de vecinos y amigos tratando de hacer el bien”, conseguir un fin común. Fue sin duda esa época que le permitió demostrar que el trabajo en equipo y el uso apropiado del inventario de talento y habilidades pueden lograr mucho si se deja a un lado intereses personales, estereotipos y egos, y se coloca en primer lugar el interés colectivo y el bienestar.
Desde esos comienzos Ruiz ha sido una líder firme, ha estado en continuo contacto con la comunidad y aprecia ese contacto. Su interés es estar al lado de los residentes y apoyarlos en todos los aspectos que pueda. Su activismo comunitario no se detiene y mantiene una filosofía de puertas abiertas, como ella misma comenta “dedico tiempo en atender y entender las necesidades de la comunidad. Como funcionarios públicos a veces no podemos resolver todos los problemas, pero agoto todos los recursos que dispongo para buscar orientar y encaminar a las personas para encontrar una posible solución o presentarle alternativas o contactos. Trato de darles la mayor información que pueda”.
Para Ruiz el activismo cívico es muy importante y otorga poder de servicio a los individuos. “Toda persona debe sentir como suya la ciudad donde vive y esto debe motivarlo a involucrarse y de ser posible participar activamente. Para ello es vital educarse en las responsabilidades de un municipio”.
Doral cuenta con la Academia Cívica, un medio de educación disponible a todos los residentes que se interesen en conocer como funcionamos y adonde nos dirigimos. A pesar de la buena voluntad de sus miembros, la alcaldía no está para resolverlo todo, pero si se conocen y entienden claramente las responsabilidades del municipio, el trabajo pueden realizarse aun mejor.

Poder de Mujer y Equilibrio Personal
Como es de esperarse, ocupar una posición como la de Sandra Ruiz implica mucha responsabilidad, inversión de tiempo y compromisos. Pero como sucede en la vida de todos, también existe una cara humana que no puede olvidarse y mantener el equilibro entre el deber y la esencia como persona es donde radica el secreto del éxito de las personas poderosas. Para la Vice Alcaldesa de la Ciudad, este equilibrio es muy importante, aunque a veces no sea tarea fácil: “Es una especie de doble lealtad por demostrar que profesionalmente quiero salir adelante pero que a la vez, soy una mujer de familia. Mi secreto particular es que no trato de sacrificar o sabotear una por la otra sino que busco el equilibrio entre ambas”.
Como ella añade: “Desgraciadamente no hay trucos de magia que permitan lograr ese equilibrio por lo que desarrollo con mi esposo un esquema en el que la colaboración y el entendimiento son los mejores ingredientes. Nos ayudamos y coordinamos para atender a nuestros hijos y las necesidades de nuestra familia y trato de respetar al máximo los tiempos de cada cosa”. Con una actitud de humildad, Sandra reconoce que ella no es una “superwoman”, sino una mujer que se esfuerza por satisfacer a su familia y su comunidad.
El ambiente público en el que se desenvuelve le ha enseñado otro aspecto del equilibrio personal muy necesario en este tipo de roles: el saber batallar con las desventajas del cargo, las cuales en su opinión son la pérdida de privacidad y la crítica malintencionada. Hace varios años que ella y su familia han vivido de acuerdo a su código de honor, “continuar efectuando su trabajo y hacer lo mejor a pesar de los comentarios y los murmullos” lo que le ha permitido realizar con mente fresca lo que hay que hacer “dejando que todo salga a la luz a su tiempo sin tener que sentir la responsabilidad de salir y defender nada”, en síntesis, los hechos hablan más que las palabras!
Mayoría femenina en el Concejo, Beneficio para la Ciudad?
Como sabemos, excluyendo al Alcalde Luigi Boria, el cuerpo de gobierno de la ciudad está constituido por mujeres. Hay quienes pueden ver esto como una ventaja y otros como una desventaja. En opinión de Ruiz: “La mujer en la política es un don para la comunidad. Nosotras vemos muchas cosas desde un punto de vista distinto a lo que un hombre puede ver. Somos más detallistas, como mujeres nos orientamos a la visión de futuro aunque pienso que es bueno que en el Concejo haya variedad”.
Con la palabra “detalles” Sandra se refiere mucho más que solo aspectos cosméticos, implica anticipar el impacto de sus decisiones “en la comunidad, en las ciudades vecinas y en general ver con seriedad la responsabilidad adicional las acciones que se apliquen”. El reto de estas mujeres es apoyarse mutuamente y “tomar las decisiones que sean buenas y beneficien a la ciudad” sin importar quién sea el autor de la propuesta. Es un compromiso de ayuda, no promesas, pues como concejales las promesas son difíciles ya que no depende del trabajo individual, depende del ambiente económico y político de la ciudad.
A pesar que el concejo recién empieza a integrarse y deben aprender a funcionar como equipo, es un momento histórico para demostrar a la comunidad que un grupo de mujeres profesionales y muy talentosas pueden trabajar juntas para el bien de todos. Como mujer, Sandra opina que todas “deben hacer un esfuerzo para que haya armonía y confianza, pudiendo funcionar como grupo de una sola voz”.
Mujer de Poder y Responsabilidad Social con Otras Mujeres.
Sandra eleva la oportunidad de apoyar a la comunidad mucho más allá de las paredes de su oficina. Ella considera muy importante servir de mentor a otras mujeres y apoyarlas en su desarrollo y preparación. Es una manera de ejercer su liderazgo, transmitir su conocimiento y apoyar a la ciudad. “Nuestra ciudad está compuesta por miles de mujeres profesionales con ansias de poder que desean seguir subiendo peldaños en sus carreras. Mujeres que desean expandir sus negocios, abrir sus primeras empresas. Madres que desean que se le faciliten las cosas y que su comunidad les brinde la oportunidad de compartir tiempo de calidad con sus hijos”.
Ella aprovecha las oportunidades para animar a las mujeres de hoy día a ser parte activa de las escuelas, obras cívicas, eventos de arte, áreas de interés. Motiva a las mujeres a “tener seguridad en sí mismas y trabajar por identificar aquellos aspectos fuertes que le permitan realizarse como persona, conocer las limitaciones y fijarse metas claras siguiendo su llamado, su don en la vida”.
Para Sandra el poder viene junto a madurez y responsabilidad, sin olvidar las cualidades de mujer de poder que vive a plenitud: respeto, honestidad, amor, compromiso, entendimiento, coraje y orientación al detalle. Cualidades sin duda que la hacen Mujer de Poder como Vice Alcaldesa de Doral.
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Well written article about our fearless leader, Sandra Ruiz!
Sandra has impecable integrity, unwavering commitment to her Vice Mayor position, her family, her friends, and God! She has amazing family values and balance, and a deep desire to help others! She is wonderful!
…it would be an error to remove her from her Vice Mayor position and very detrimental to Mr. Boria’s reputation!
Ettore and Doral Family Journal staff, congratulations on writing this article!
P.S. Come to the March 18th Doral City Council meeting and speak your mind in Public Comments, in support of Sandra Ruiz! (6:00 p.m. City Hall)
Definitivamente una gran líder y una excelente servidora pública, en el tiempo que vengo conociendo a Sandra Ruiz muchas han sido las grandes virtudes que he descubierto en ella, una gran oradora, una luchadora incansable con un temple y tenacidad sin igual, así como una gran mujer, madre y esposa. Ella cuenta con un enorme sentido de compromiso y justicia que sin duda alguna la han colocado como una de las mujeres más destadas en nuestra ciudad. Creo que es momento de trabajar que aunar esfuerzos en pro y beneficio de nuestra comunidad, las campañas quedaron atrás y es momento de consolidar a Doral con Ética, Profesionalismo y Moral, principios fundamentales de la familia y de una comunidad.
Speaking from the heart, Vice-Mayor I am so very proud of you. The City of Doral is lucky to have such of leader like Vice Mayor Sandra Ruiz. I have had the privilege of getting to know her personally and I thank GOD for giving the opportunity of being part of her personal and professional life. Vice Mayor Ruiz will leave a mark and legacy of being a pioneer in the City of Doral, a forward thinking politician, a loving mother and wife, a loyal and trustworthy friend, a devoted wife and a caring daughter. She is an admirable leader with many accomplishments. I agree with the article that states that you are a respectful and powerful woman and I admire her for that. Vice Mayor you have been a mentor, not only for me, but for many of the younger generation that look up to you. You have the ability to speak to your community and get your point across in a professional and courteous manner. When you speak you bring with you the experience as a founder of the City of Doral, this was ever so evident by the high number of votes you obtained in this past election. Vice Mayor Ruiz knows the need of this community and is working hard to get the job done. I personally have witnessed your hard work and dedication for your community. You care about others and that is what makes the difference in this world. I just have one thing to ask you Vice Mayor. Please keep doing the job that you love to do and that you do so excellent. GOD bless you today and forever.
As a person who has lived in the City of Doral for most of my life, I can say that Sandra Ruiz has been a voice of integrity in our city. I have seen her speak up when something is unjust, and stands up for all of us! I know that she will continue doing so!