Decision on incinerator site is delayed again pending a new report

By: Diana Bello Aristizábal

DORAL, FL – The Feb. 19 Miami-Dade County Board of Commissioners meeting had several items on its agenda that were related not only with the future of the incinerator-that Doral residents expect is moved out from city boundaries once and for all- but to the county’s trash management system as a whole. 

Despite the fact everyone was expecting for commissioners to reach a final decision on where to relocate the incinerator following the Jan. 28 workshop, the conversation was shifted again as it has happened several times during the two years this issue has been discussed by the board.

Instead of selecting one site between Opa-Locka West Airport, Okeechobee or Eitlejorge, as per item 11A6 of the agenda that requested to exclude Doral, Medley or NW 58th Street as potential sites, the board deferred that item and agreed in bringing back the issue of waste management in July, pending the administration drafts a comprehensive plan that explores all available options to handle trash. 

“This is just to explore all options that can exist-both on waste energy and landfilling- so not necessarily any of the locations,” said Chairman Anthony Rodriguez. “We need outside experts in addition to Arcadis.”

Commissioner Regalado agreed with his sentiment, adding “we need to have a portfolio of options and consider all the other waste-to-energy items. I just don’t want to get black and white thinking again…” She pointed out Arcadis has some subcontractors that can provide them with more information. 

But their requests found some concerns from other commissioners like Danielle Cohen Higgins. “My concern is timing because the administration is being asked to essentially explore every option and bring us back one comprehensive report that we will at some point utilize to make a final decision on this, but we are under insurance deadlines (Feb. 2026) that have real financial consequences.”

“We are once again not making a decision,” added Higgins, before directly requesting to “actually” get a report within 120 days as it is intended. 

About this, the county attorney, Geri Bonzon-Keenan, said that although a full report will be hard to deliver in 120 days, a partial one can be drafted.

Chairman Rodriguez clarified that although the item does not involve a recommendation request for a site, it does, however, asks for a detailed report that can help commissioners ultimately take a decision on the site location. Still, “they can express a preference,” said Commissioner Oliver G. Gilbert, III.

“The recommendation from the administration was to landfill. Decide first if we’re going to incinerate or not, and once we do that, we can talk about the location,” said Commissioner Keon Hardemon. 

Following the commissioner’s intervention, his fellow commissioner Roberto J. Gonzalez took the stand to state how not making a decision is “costing the county more money every day.” “We need to make a decision yesterday. This is an item that should’ve been decided at the minimum five years ago.”

In this same line, Danielle Cohen Higgins urged the board to invite partners to give them proposals as soon as possible if they’re not “comfortable with making a decision today.” “This sends the message to our constituents that we’re capable of making a decision and not kicking the can furthermore.”

“I am not an expert; I need to know what landfilling looks like,” said Chairman Rodriguez about one of the purposes of the requested report as Commissioner Regalado reminded the audience, the only deadline is the one related with the insurance. 

But Commissioner Marlein Bastien said that although she agrees with the need of having a comprehensive plan to solve the county’s trash problem, she worries that in the next meeting, the board is back at the same place. 

Chairman Rodriguez assured his colleagues that this can be avoided if there is a submission of all options before the 120 days deadline to review all considerations with sufficient time. “At least 5 business days before the vote,” requested Commissioner Regalado, to what the chairman responded the comprehensive plan should be delivered much sooner than that. 

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