Annual Grant Programs Opening Soon for Businesses and Community Organizations



Community Based Organization (CBO) Program

On February 22nd the City of Doral will begin accepting applications for the new cycle of the Community Based Organization (CBO) grant. The purpose of this grant program is to assist beneficiaries with opportunities to plan, develop and implement sustainable projects that will serve the needs of the Doral community. The maximum amount of request is limited to $5,000 per non-for-profit organization/per fiscal year. All organizations seeking funding must have a 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) status and meet all eligibility criteria.

The eligible categories include: Community Development, Education, Human/ Human Services, Arts & Culture, Civic Engagement, and Environment.

Applications must be submitted to, between February 22th and March 19th until 3:30 pm. To download applications and for a full list of requirements, visit, click on Businesses, then Business Assistance.

Façade Improvement Program

On April 12th the City of Doral will begin accepting applications for the new cycle of the Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program. The purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance to qualifying parties in Doral to stimulate private sector investment, beautification, economic growth, and job creation in the City, by improving the appearance of the buildings within City boundaries. Possible external improvements include ADA improvements, landscaping, painting, lighting, canopies, and windows. All grant funding is provided as reimbursement for project costs.

The Doral Façade Improvement Grant Program was originally created in 2012 to provide financial assistance to businesses and commercial owners to improve the appearance of buildings within the Doral Décor District. The program originally provided financial assistance by contributing up to 25% of the costs, in an amount not to exceed $ 5,000 per project. The geographic boundaries of the program were expanded in 2017 to include more of the major tile, commercial, industrial and commercial districts of the municipality. In June 2018, the program was revised to cover the entire City of Doral and eligibility was extended to include publicly visible entry features from homeowners’ associations. The maximum grant amount was increased to a 50% reimbursement of eligible renovation costs up to $10,000 per project.


Applications must be submitted to, between April 12th and May 14th. To download applications and for a full list of requirements, visit, click on Businesses, then Business Assistance.

Should you have questions, regarding either program, please contact Economic Development at Manuel.pila@cityofdoral or (305)593-6725, ext. 7016.


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