Christmas Time


by Lhasa Posada



        It’s unrealistic to say the holiday season begins once December 1st arrives. The truth is that the Christmas spirit hits right after Halloween, and you begin to see and hear it everywhere. Suddenly, stores, malls, schools, neighborhoods, and just about every other place will bust out the new, festive decorations. Why does everyone get so excited for Christmas?

        It’s no wonder a vast majority of people consider it their favorite holiday of the year. When someone thinks of Christmas, thoughts and memories of ornaments, gift giving and spending time with family come to mind. Though, let’s be real here. A great deal of that excitement can be traced back to giving and receiving presents. It’s easy to sit there and think of the things you want, make a list and send it to people. But, if you want to make your Christmas this year a lot more memorable, gifting can be much more sincere than that.

        The rules of heartfelt gift giving can be quite simple. According to psychologists and experts, there are just a few, and they apply to both, givers and receivers. First, an expensive present is not always a good one. Someone isn’t being thoughtful due to the money they’re spending. When you’re looking to get someone a gift, a good tip is to think like them. What’s something they’d get or want for themselves? Next, experiences, rather than physical objects, are much more genuine and unforgettable gifts.

But, remember: a remarkable person, not a gift, makes for a remarkable Christmas.


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