Councilwoman Fraga and MOEN presented the “Christi Fraga Youth Leadership Award”


young awards Christi Fraga Doral

On Monday, June 15, 2015, Councilwoman Christi Fraga and MOEN awarded the “Christi Fraga Youth Leadership Award” to Belen Jesuit Preparatory School alum José Andrés Maguina (‘15). The CFYLA recognition is awarded once a quarter to young individuals whose contributions include tutoring, participating in community-based projects, assisting the needy, elderly, sick, and/or disabled, or who have helped others overcome personal challenges. The award includes a $1,500 scholarship prize sponsored by MOEN, which Mr. Maguina will use to attend Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in the fall of 2015.

In early May, Councilwoman Fraga requested that Doral and adjacent area high school counselors nominate students between the ages of 15 to 23, who have shown leadership while providing service to the members of their community. Councilwoman Fraga then convened a committee composed of a City of Doral councilmember, a staff member, and a representative from MOEN to evaluate the nominees. Committee members selected Doral resident José Andrés Maguina as the award’s June 2015 winner.

_MG_8706While in ninth grade, Mr. Maguina put together an event to raise funds for a Belen classmate, who was diagnosed with leukemia. The event raised $5,000 to assist his classmate’s family with medical expenses. In addition to this campaign, Mr. Maguina also volunteered weekly throughout high school at Blue Lakes Elementary, a local school with a large autistic population, where he helped the children with their homework and taught them how to play soccer. He also volunteered on weekends to assist workers in the kitchen of the Manresa Retreat House.

“I feel incredibly proud when we receive CFYLA nominations. The high caliber of the students that reside in Doral and who continue to do extraordinary things for others is truly impressive. I created this award, and an on-going sponsorship partnership with MOEN, to recognize these exceptional students who go above and beyond academics to exhibit a high propensity for service and leadership. These students also have an increasingly positive social impact within our community. Undoubtedly, Mr. Maguina’s campaign during his classmate’s illness is one of those instances where one can only feel truly proud of having exceptional youth residing in the city of Doral,” stated Councilwoman Fraga.

The “Christi Fraga Youth Leadership Award,” thanks to its sponsorship partnership with MOEN, will continue to be awarded four times a year to Doral youth who are nominated for exhibiting leadership, originality, and a positive social impact while providing extraordinary service to others within their community. For additional information please contact, Councilwoman Christi Fraga, at


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