Half of US population is already fully vaccinated against COVID-19

DORAL, FL – The White House announced Friday that half of the US population is now fully vaccinated against COVID-19

As of Thursday morning, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed 49% of the US population was completely vaccinated. The fully vaccinated percentage out of the population eligible for the vaccine (12 and older) was 58.4%.

“More than 821,000 doses reported administered, including 565,000 newly vaccinated. 7-day average of newly vaccinated is up 11% from last week and 44% over past 2 weeks. 50% of Americans (all ages) are now fully vaccinated. Keep going!,” twitted White House Data Director Dr. Cyrus Shahpar. 

699,261 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine have been administered each day on average over the past seven days, and an average of 464,778 people began the vaccination process each day over the past seven days, according to the latest data available from the CDC.

Coronavirus vaccinations in the country reached a record high in mid-April, with an average of more than 3 million shots administered each day and about 2 million people starting their vaccination process each day.

According to the CDC, the process of vaccinating the population has been slow but steady since the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine was given about nine months ago, on December 14, while four months later, by March, a quarter of the US population was already fully vaccinated until reaching the goal of having 50% of the population fully vaccinated against COVID-19 four and a half months after that. 

“Clearly, Americans are seeing the impact of being unvaccinated and unprotected,” Jeff Zients, coordinator of the White House COVID-19 response team said on Thursday. 

This is now more relevant than ever as the Delta variant keeps moving among the world making cases spike like never before. According to the CDC, reports of new cases are higher than they’ve been since January.

Health experts have said most of the new hospitalizations and deaths related with the coronavirus are among the unvaccinated population. 


Photo: Unsplash.com

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