JC Bermudez Kicks-off campaign for District 12 County Commissioner


By: María Alejandra Pulgar

Para leer en Español


“The County needs this type of leadership,” said Miami-Dade County Commission Vice Chairman Oliver Gilbert (District 1) to introduce Mayor of Doral Juan Carlos Bermudez as Candidate for County Commissioner for District 12. The office will be up for grabs on the 2022 elections when José “Pepe” Diaz concludes his final term as County Commissioner.

JC Bermudez Kicks-off campaign for District 12 County Commissioner Residents, business owners, and local and state elected officials offered their support to Bermudez at the campaign kick-off fundraiser that took place on Wednesday, September 29th at the Intercontinental Hotel. Bermudez looks forward to become the County Commissioner to represent the District composed by the municipalities of Doral, Hialeah, Hialeah Gardens, Medley, Sweetwater, Virginia Gardens, and a large portion of unincorporated areas of the West of Miami-Dade County.

Visibly enthusiastic with the extensive support received at the event, Bermudez expressed his gratitude to God and to his wife and daughters for their patience and support. “Politics is not easy in the modern world. […] without family there is nothing, without family, there is no community and if there is no community there is no County.”

Bermudez has received the support of 90% of the mayors and 100 % of state Senators and Representatives in the District, as well as local elected officials. “Tonight was an important fundraiser, but more important was to send the clear message that, in District 12, the work we have done in Doral has been remarkable. That in politics does not happen very often and I am very grateful for the support” said Bermudez.

He emphasized the message for District 12 residents and business owners that “[In the first place] in politics you achieve more working as a team, today we saw it, as the majority of the [Doral] Council was here with me tonight and #2, the residents of Doral know me, they know of my honesty, integrity, and transparency. But today we hear the words of other people who are elected officials talking about the impression they have of the work that we have done in Doral. And that does not happen by coincidence. That happens because of effective, efficient, honest, and transparent work.”

City of DoralBermudez looks forward to gaining the support of the other areas of the District and bringing to the County Commission the experience and the same style of government that has been successful in Doral since incorporation.

“The most important challenge is moving our community forward. Making decisions in politics is difficult at times, but we have to make decisions to improve the quality of life for the city, in transportation, education, health, safety, in the ability to have a community where we can all grow and have a great quality of life. We have done it in Doral, we want to bring that same effectiveness and efficiency that we have had in Doral to the County.”


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