Juan Manuel Sucre – Candidate For Doral City Council, Seat 2



Campaign website: sucrefordoral.com


Current Employment: CEO and Owner of Mondo Logistics LLC


Political Experience: 

In my political experience, I had the opportunity to serve in my hometown as Councilor of the Metropolitan Council of Caracas.

Here in Miami and specifically in Doral, I have participated as a community activist and have worked in favor of several social organizations that help immigrants of all nationalities. Furthermore, I continue to collaborate permanently with foundations in Venezuela that assist the most disadvantaged people by sending them food, medicine, school supplies, and toys.


What is the most pressing issue facing the city and how would you propose handling it?

In Doral, one of the most pressing problems is that of road mobility. Valuable hours are lost in traffic due to rapid growth without proper planning. Our communication channels are insufficient internally, and our public transport is deficient. We propose the expansion of some existing roads, construction of new alternative roads, and the synchronization of traffic lights during peak hours. We also plan to incorporate new Trolley units and improve their routes so that they can reach more destinations and with more frequency, as well as humanizing the transport stops that do not protect users from the unpredictable weather.


How will you handle population growth in our city, especially with the recent arrival of illegal immigrants?

The growth of the city’s population must be planned not only in new housing but also in sustainable services that allow harmonious growth. EX: More and better roads, new schools, parks, and commerce that can provide a higher quality of life like our current ones and even improve it for the benefit of all. Regarding illegal immigration, it is an issue under the federal authorities and it will be up to them to legalize an individual’s situation before the competent offices in order to obtain a work permit or SSN, which will give them a chance at a new life here.


Do you think the city should increase its police force?

The police represent the first barrier of protection for citizens; they guarantee order and protect us from chaos. Due to this, proper training, preparation, and equipment are vital. The city should increase its number of officials in the police force as a way to provide greater protection to the city of Doral. Equipment, patrols, economic conditions, budget, better salaries, and benefits should also be improved for our police officers that risk their lives to keep us safe in our city. Strengthening the ties of direct communication between the community and the police will also help exercise preventive security among all.


Personal message to voters:

I want to ask my neighbors to go out and vote this coming November 8, that we exercise this right to elect our best representatives at all levels. Let them know their candidates, compare their proposals and their training. We not only have the will but we also have a plan! And together, we are going to make Doral a paradise to live in!


2 thoughts on “Juan Manuel Sucre – Candidate For Doral City Council, Seat 2

  • Pingback: Juan Manuel Sucre – Candidate For Doral City Council, Seat 2 | #citycouncil - We Find All The BS In Politics

  • Why didn’t you answer the question of
    “How will YOU handle POPULATION GROWTH in our city, especially with the recent arrival of illegal immigrants?”
    They are not asking you how to make illegals legal, they’re asking you about how YOU’d handle the INCREASE in population in Doral due to the arrival of more people
    Federal authorities will NOT solve the problem of INCREASED population in Doral. It’s up to local authorities.
    Do you have a plan?

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