Masks restrictions in Miami-Dade change from October 6

DORAL, FL – Masks restrictions in Miami-Dade start changing on October 6 as announced yesterday by Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez. 

According to a new emergency order, facial coverings are no longer required while outside, as long as individuals are standing 10 feet or more apart from each other.

“I’ve signed Amendment 2 to Emergency Order 20-20, which provides updated rules on how and when to wear your mask in public. It exempts persons who are outdoors and are stationary with a marker or barrier that ensures 10-feet or more distance between them and other person,” twitter the Mayor.

The order also clarifies what are the masks restrictions in Miami-Dade for athletes engaged in organized team sports activities or the public attending such events. They should both wear facial coverings while standing on the sidelines.

“Those engaged in strenuous exercise outdoors are exempt,” added the Mayor via Twitter. He also announced the order goes into effect on October 6.

Since the pandemic started in Florida on March, mask restrictions in Miami-Dade have changed several times over the course of months in order to stop the spread of the coronavirus.

At first, it was announced masks were only required in public while at indoor spaces. On July, due to the increasing number of cases in the County, the Mayor signed an order to require the use of face masks in public at all times, indoor and outdoors. 

The measures back then could even result in a fine of up to $500 or 180 days in jail for anyone failing to comply.

If you have any question regarding the coronavirus and the new measures in place, call  the Florida Department of Health’s 24-hour hotline at 1-866-779-6121.

One thought on “Masks restrictions in Miami-Dade change from October 6

  • Are police now expected to take a tape measure and measure the distance between people , will there be a fine if you are closer then 10 feet outside without a mask ?

    ” According to a new emergency order, facial coverings are no longer required while outside, as long as individuals are standing 10 feet or more apart from each other.”

    Though I wear the mask , it seems Gimenez refuses to accept that the Governor over rides him and hope law suits get under way .

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