Minimum wage in Florida will be of $10 per hour effective on Thursday

DORAL, FL – Minimum wage in Florida will now be of $10 per hour as opposed to the current $8.65. This represents an increase of $1.35 that will go into effect on September 30th. 

In addition, also from this Thursday, tipped workers will be paid a rate of $6.98 an hour instead of $5.63. The measure maintains a $3.02 tip credit that employers can apply to tipped workers. 

The minimum wage in Florida increases due to Amendment 2 that was passed in the November 2020 general election with a 61% of Florida voters approval. 

Under the constitutional amendment, the new rate will rise progressively each year until reaching $15 an hour and $11.98 for tipped workers on September 30, 2026. 

The pay increase along the years will be distributed in the following way: $10 on Sept. 30, 2021, $11 on Sept. 30, 2022, $12 on Sept. 30, 2023, $13 on Sept. 30, 2024, $14 on Sept. 30, 2025 and $15 on Sept. 30, 2026.

Orlando trial attorney John Morgan led the initiative to get Amendment 2 on the ballot, investing $6 million of his own pocket.

The amendment has faced both acceptance and opposition. Those in the first group said it was needed to help low-paid workers, while those in the second say it would hurt small businesses. 

The new increase in minimum wage in Florida was also opposed by business groups, including the Florida Chamber of Commerce and the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association.

Before this time, the last one Florida had voted on a minimum wage ballot measure was in 2004. Florida Amendment 5 was approved and provided for a $6.15 per hour minimum wage set to increase each year causing the state’s minimum wage to rise from $8.56 per hour to $8.65 per hour earlier this year.



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