Reopening of Non-Essential Businesses in Doral: Phase 1

Help us safely get back to business!


By: Maggie Santos

Communications & Protocol Manager

 City of Doral


The City of Doral, in accordance with the latest Federal, State, and Miami-Dade County health guidelines, and in collaboration with the community, has begun reopening the City. This process will occur in phases with specific guidelines for implementation in accordance with Miami-Dade County’s guide. Please see some important highlights to note regarding specific business types.




  • All services are by appointment only; absolutely no walk-ups permitted.
  • Employees must wear a facemask and gloves at all times.
  • Employees providing face-to-face services (beard/mustache, eyebrows, facials) must also wear a clear face shield when providing services.
  • Customers must wait outside of the store until called inside for their appointment (may wait in car or outside of store keeping proper social distancing from other waiting customers).
  • Customers must wear a facemask inside the store, which may only be removed when necessary to receive services.
  • Only customers receiving service may enter the store (parent/guardian may accompany minors receiving service).
  • Employees must not share tools.
  • Hairdressers must wear single-use aprons.
  • Discard old magazines and other non-essential items in the waiting area that cannot be disinfected.
  • After each service(s) provided to the customer clean and disinfect all implements used in your services (immersion, spray or wipe).
  • After each service(s) provided to the customer clean and disinfect chairs and headrests.
  • Clean and disinfect all shampoo bowls, handles, hoses, spray nozzles, and shampoo chairs after each use.
  • Clean and disinfect pedicure bowls after each use.
  • You must wash hair before a cut.
  • All staff must wash hands before and after each service; if possible, it is recommended to wash hands in front of the customer.




  • All visitors and tenants must sanitize hands at time of building entry and wear facial coverings while in the building.
  • Ensure there is single point of entrance (exits shall not be locked or obstructed).
  • Offices with cubicles or open space designs shall establish the minimum 6 feet of social distancing required; or install physical barriers between workstations (e.g., plexiglass partitions) to ensure distancing.
  • Call centers with multiple employees utilizing the same consoles shall establish alpha/bravo shifts and clean and sanitize equipment between shifts.
  • Signs shall be placed outside and inside elevators and other common areas (e.g., restrooms, breakrooms) to summarize key messages: restrictions to capacity, distancing, use of facemasks.
  • Medical offices shall have separate entrances for those with medical issues.
  • Play areas and gyms shall be closed until such areas are open via Emergency Order declaration.
  • CDC signage shall be located at the entry, lobby/waiting area, elevators, escalators, restrooms, tenant entrances mandating social distancing and proper hand washing/sanitizing.
  • Visual/physical markings shall be installed on floor and areas to accomplish distancing and arranged waiting areas to allow for proper social distancing (e.g., for check-in and elevators).
  • Use of common conference rooms, lunchrooms and other common areas shall be limited to reduce the gathering of large numbers of tenants or visitors.
  • All high touch surfaces shall be cleaned and sanitized in common areas, including railings, seats, ATMs, kiosks and elevator buttons every two hours.
  • Discontinue use of common drinking fountains.
  • Setup clear protocols to take employees temperatures upon entering the building or office.
  • Clean and sanitize all high touch surfaces in common areas, including railings, seats, ATMs, kiosks and elevator buttons every two to three hours.
  • Discontinue use of common drinking fountains.
  • All building tenants and visitors must wear facial coverings while in the building.



Doral Parks currently open:

Doral Central Park (3000 NW 87th Avenue)

Downtown Doral Park (8395 NW 53rd Street)



  • Allowed activities: walking, jogging, skating and cycling.
  • Face covers are required when walking or visiting the park but not when performing rigorous activity such as running, skating and cycling.
  • Parks staff may limit the number of persons using trails and paths in order to ensure social distancing is maintained and may limit the time any person spends on these in order to ensure access to such facilities to other patrons.
  • Six feet social distancing must be observed by park patrons and all staff and groups of 10 or more are prohibited. Smaller groups must maintain social distancing in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Department Guidelines.
  • Amenities and activities NOT allowed include table games, picnics, parties and use of playgrounds, exercise equipment or bike racks. Open restrooms will be frequently sanitized.




  • Limit indoor service to no more than 50% seating capacity, excluding employees. Minimum of 6 ft between parties.
  • Must introduce plexiglass barriers at tills and counters as an additional level of protection for staff.
  • Bar counters remain closed to seating. 
  • Ask customers to wait in their cars away from the establishment and alert them that their table is ready through their mobile phones.
  • All restaurant employees must wear masks.
  • Customers must wear masks at all times unless seated at a table.
  • A per table party limit of 4 persons must be maintained whether seating is indoor or outdoors unless the members of the party are from the same household. When parties are from the same household, tables may seat up to 6 persons.
  • Restaurants must “provide disposable menus to guests and make menus available digitally so that customers can view on a personal electronic device.
  • Restaurants must also “discontinue pre-setting tables with napkins, cutlery, glassware, food ware, etc. These should be supplied individually to customers as needed.
  • Pre-roll utensils in napkins prior to use by customers and store in a clean container. Do not leave card stands, flyers, napkin holders, or other items on tables.”
  • Restaurants must also “discontinue having condiments on tables. Restaurants must suspend use of shared food items such as condiment bottles, salt and pepper shakers, etc. and provide these foods in single serve containers.
  • Remove all communal items from front of house, such as self-service drinks, condiments, utensils, and tableware stations; have employees provide these items to patrons.
  • Do not leave out after-meal mints, candies, snacks, or toothpicks for customers. Offer them with the check or provide only on request.
  • Provide hand sanitizer at guest and employee entrances and contact areas.
  • No valet parking.



  • Facial coverings must be worn at all times while in retail establishments.
  • Hand sanitizing dispensers or sanitizer shall be available at entrances and in common areas.
  • Customer queues at cashiers shall be spaced out with floor markers (every 6 ft).
  • Fitting rooms shall remain closed.
  • Occupancy load shall be limited to 50 percent of mall/store occupancy (ie. square footage of store divided by 60).
  • Ensure there is single point of entrance (exits shall not be locked or obstructed).
  • Signs shall be placed outside and inside elevators to limit capacity to 4 passengers, with visual markers for passengers to stand on.
  • Merchandise, particularly clothing, must be cleaned prior to being handled by customers and returned to shelves or display racks.
  • Cart and basket handles shall be sanitized between uses.
  • Car valet services are prohibited.
  • One-way circulation paths inside stores shall be marked with arrows at entry and exit points.
  • CDC signage shall be posted in publicly trafficked locations emphasizing measures to “Stop the Spread of Germs” (CDC) and exercise social responsibility (e.g., hygiene).
  • Stores/malls shall post a contact email address and/or telephone number for customers.
  • Set specific shopping hours for vulnerable groups (elderly, persons with disabilities, pregnant women).
  • Remove public seating areas, if possible, and enforce distancing through signaling.



The full set of guidelines can be found on the City of Doral’s website 

Some important highlights to note:

  • Install hand sanitizing dispensers or make sanitizer available at entrances and in common areas.
  • All visitors and tenants must sanitize hands at time of building entry and wear facial coverings while in the building.
  • Place signs notifying visitors, other non-employees of strict PPE requirements (i.e., masks for all visitors); ensure signs are posted in multiple languages. (English, Spanish, Creole).
  • Perform deep disinfection of stored goods between shifts (i.e., mechanical sprayer / thermal foggers).
  • Acquire uniforms to supply employees with enough uniforms to be able to wear a clean uniform each shift.
  • Ensure enough masks available for all employees that are in contact with other people (including office workers, warehouse workers unable to social distance, and customer facing shipping and delivery workers), as well as sufficient quantities of soap, hand sanitizer, gloves as necessary.
  • Install physical barriers between workstations (e.g., plexiglass partitions) to ensure distancing.
  • Acquire contactless thermometers and check employee temperatures upon arrival.
  • Employees that come in frequent contact with customers or travel between sites should be checked more frequently.
  • Clean and disinfect multi-touch equipment like handgrips carts, steering wheels, pallet trucks, etc. every time a user changes and after each shift.
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer between deliveries.
  • Mark with arrows entry and exit points, creating one-way circulation paths inside warehouses.
  • Remove public seating areas, if possible, and enforce distancing through signaling.
  • Ensure there is single point of entrance (exits shall not be locked or obstructed).


 The full set of guidelines for each of these, and other, categories can be found on the City of Doral’s website — (Reopening Doral) – as well in the Miami-Dade County’s full “New Normal Guide”.


Our Police and Code Compliance Officers have been hard at work visiting businesses to educate them on the new rules. It’s imperative during this reopening phase that our businesses and patrons enjoying these establishments follow the guidelines to keep our community safe. Our goal is to get our businesses back open and thriving while maintaining focus on core safety principles.

If you have any questions, please contact us at, 305-593-6725, ex. 3011.. We’re here to help!






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