Starting today, August 12, laid-off local restaurant employees will receive help

DORAL, FL – Restaurant employees in Miami-Dade that were let go of their jobs due to the pandemic will receive financial help starting today, August 12. 

The starting time to apply began at noon at the South Beach Wine & Food Festival website, where candidates should request their previous employers to apply for them, since they can’t apply directly. If approved, laid-off or furloughed workers can earn up to $500 and up to $15,000 per restaurant. 

The offered grant is aimed at employees of independently owned Miami-Dade County restaurants, hotel restaurants, bars and caterers and will be provided to eligible establishments that have had to temporarily cease operations, lay off employees, or whose businesses have been severely affected due to the closure orders.

This initiative was approved by Miami-Dade County officials and the money comes from a $5 million fund, carved out of $474 million in federal CARES Act aid sent to Miami-Dade County, according to the Miami Herald. 

It hopes to alleviate expenses and help thousands of people that resulted economically affected by the current economic crisis fueled by the pandemic. Which is why the program expects to grant about $30 million. 

Florida International University and the South Beach festival were chosen to vet applicants and the United Way will disperse the money. It was a partnership between Miami-Dade County, United Way of Miami-Dade, the SOBEWFF (South Beach Wine and Food Festival) & FIU Chaplin School Hospitality Industry Relief Fund.

One thought on “Starting today, August 12, laid-off local restaurant employees will receive help

  • The curfew by Mayor Gimenez has been the nail on the coffin for lots of eatery’s .

    I work at night and 24 / 7 places to eat were starting to improve as more went back to work but the long curfew finished so many off .

    They were serving food to go so not like anyone was eating inside .

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