Still no sign of the $1,400 stimulus payment? You could receive it this week

DORAL, FL – The IRS announced in a statement that this week some people will see their stimulus payment on their bank accounts or mails. 

Eligible Americans that are still waiting for the payments, contemplated under the 1.9 trillion American Rescue plan signed into law by President Joe Biden on March 11, will either receive a paper check in a white envelope from the U.S. Treasury Department, a prepaid debit card or will see the payment through a direct deposit, which is the case for the vast majority of people. 

“A large number of this latest batch of payments will also be mailed, so taxpayers who do not receive a direct deposit by March 24 should watch the mail carefully in the coming weeks for a paper check or a prepaid debit card, known as an Economic Impact Payment Card, or EIP Card,” the IRS says as reported by the Miami Herald. 

The cards, according to the report, can be used online, in stores that take Visa debit cards or at ATMs. Also, card holders can transfer the money into a personal bank account.

“The card has the Visa name on the front and the issuing bank, MetaBank, N.A. on the back…Information included with the card will explain that this is an Economic Impact Payment,” the IRS says.

And why some people haven’t received the stimulus payment yet? According to the IRS, those who had already provided their bank account information were the first ones to get the payment. But rest assured, all eligible Americans will sooner or later see the money in the coming weeks. 

“The IRS continues to send the third round of stimulus payments in record time…Since this new set of payments will include more mailed payments, we urge people to carefully watch their mail for a check or debit card in the coming weeks,” said IRS Commissioner Chuck Retting in a statement, according to the Miami Herald.

To know the status of your payment, use the IRS’s tool “Get My Payment“.



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