The Mayor Of Doral Receives A Recognition From The Miami Dade School Board

All public schools in the city of Doral have been rated “A” schools, given the quality of the education that they offer.


Edda Pujadas

Para leer en Español


Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez received a recognition from the Miami Dade School Board given the quality of the public schools in the City of Doral and his commitment to the academic progress in the city.

This recognition was requested by Susie Castillo, School Board Representative for District 5, and it was supported by the rest of the members of the School Board. Castillo stated that it was a pleasure to recognize a community leader to whom she had the honor to also call a friend, while the Superintendent for the Public Schools in our County, Alberto Carvalho highlighted that Bermudez was a leader committed to the education and the security in our schools.

This recognition was approved by Resolution 18-052 of the School Board of Miami Dade County. It highlights that while in office as the Founding Mayor of Doral and now that he has been re-elected, one of Juan Carlos Bermudez priorities has been education, working side by side with the School Board, supporting new educational programs, working for the security in our schools and offering his support to the PTAs.

Mayor Bermudez stated his deep gratitude for this recognition, which he considers is the result of the join work of the school board members, the PTAs, the administration and teachers of each one of the schools that are located in Doral.

“I want to make a very special mention to my wife, within this recognition. She, Vivian Bermudez has been a special needs teacher for the Miami Dade Schools for more than 27 years and she has shown me the importance of education and an adequate formation for the children and youth for their future,” stated Bermudez.

Within this educational progress, it is important to say that 15 years ago, when Doral was founded, there were six schools (four public schools and two charter schools). Today we have a total of 13 schools, among public and charter, and to these we have to add 7 private schools, making a total of 20 academic institutions within the Doral territory.

According to Miami Dade Public Schools’ statistics, the growth of the student population in Doral has been such that, today, there is a total of 13,800 registered students, from which 8,987 are residents of our city. All these students have the benefit of being students of “A” rated schools.


For this new school year, the success of the public schools involves new programs and tools to reinforce and ease the learning for the students. Is in this way, that our public school-district, the fourth largest in the whole United States and which school index was rated “A”, is proposing to improve its educational offer.

This proposal includes 60 additional programs with which the Miami Dade Public Schools will have access to more than one thousand elective programs, this is the largest number of elective programs in any district in the country. The variety of these 60 novel options is enormous, as they cover areas such as information technology, media design, robotics, academy in teaching for science, mathematics and biology, animation, justice and entrepreneurial academy.

There will also be programs in virtual reality integration and coding that will start in 2021, for the students on middle and high school. Also, around 27 elementary schools will have robotics and coding programing as part of their science studies.

Obviously, part of the success of these programs depends on the Miami Dade electorate. The School Board is proposing to bring to the election ballot on November 6th, 2018 a proposal for an additional tax that will help increase the salaries of our teachers. Carvalho suggests increasing $0.75, during the next 4 years for each thousand dollars of property value.


Even with all these academic progress, safety and security are still the main concern for authorities, teachers, parents and students. For this reason, the Miami Dade School Board got into an agreement with the City of Doral to have armed police officers in all public schools of the city for this new school year 2018-2019.

After this agreement, three of the four public schools in Doral (Eugenia B. Thomas K-8 Center, Dr. Rolando Espinosa K-8 and John I. Smith K-8 Center) and Dr. Toni Bilbao Preparatory Academy will have an armed officer, while the Charter Schools are still in negotiations on their own with the city in order to guarantee an armed officer also.

As we all know, the presence of armed police officers in our schools is a measure that is required by the State of Florida and that was approved by the State Legislature after the massacre that took place at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, in Parkland on February 14thof this year and where 17 people lost their lives.



One thought on “The Mayor Of Doral Receives A Recognition From The Miami Dade School Board

  • I think an armed officer in the school is great if they are alert , not sitting in their car sleeping or texting .

    ” “I want to make a very special mention to my wife, within this recognition. She, Vivian Bermudez has been a special needs teacher for the Miami Dade Schools for more than 27 years and she has shown me the importance of education and an adequate formation for the children and youth for their future,” stated Bermudez.”

    Mayor Bermudez and Mayor Boria have very nice families . I have met them all .

    Though I dont agree with certain things , in the end they not I are / were the Mayors .
    As anal -retentive as I can be . BOTH men are A – OK and type of Mayors that if you contact they respond and don’t ” snow job ” you .

    I would NOT say this about politicos outside of Doral .

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