A survey done by Metropolitan Center about Florida International University shows a high calification for City of Doral.

 The Metropolitan Center at Florida International University conducted a telephone survey of 408 City of Doral households from October 2 through 23, 2011. The purpose of the survey was to provide estimates of household size, and to assess consumer expenditures and needs.

The survey results point to the general satisfaction of Doral residents with life in the City of Doral. The vast majority of Doral residents (95.9%) rated the quality of life within the City as good/excellent. As a result, the majority (96.4%) would also recommend the City of Doral as a place to live and work. A slightly smaller percentage, but still a significant majority (87.4%) see themselves continuing to live in Doral in three years.

Overall satisfaction with life in Doral is to a large extent influenced by the shopping and entertainment opportunities residents have in the city. The survey results indicate that most residents conduct their shopping activities in Doral. Only one resident does not do grocery shopping in Doral and 6.7% indicated the same about retail shopping. Only 5.4% do not eat out at any of the food establishments in Doral. However, one in five respondents (19.2%) indicated they do not engage in any recreational or entertainment activities in the city.

The survey also included questions on the types of stores which residents frequent and the driving distance to them. The majority of Doral residents do most of their grocery shopping at Publix (90.6%) and Winn-Dixie (57.8%) but a significant percentage also mentioned Sedano’s (27.5%). The grocery stores seem to be within a reasonable driving distance for Doral residents as evident from the fact that the overwhelming majority drive less than 3 miles for groceries.

Doral’s residents shop at a variety of retail stores within a five-mile driving distance. The department stores most residents prefer are either discount stores (Walmart, Kmart, Target) or upscale stores such as Macy’s. The large percentage of residents who shop at upscale stores can be explained by the high percentage of residents in the sample who reported income of over $100,000 (21.8%).

Among the specialty stores Doral residents visit, the most popular are Warehouse clubs (Costco, Sam’s Club), where 74.3% go to, and Electronics stores, frequented by 65.6% of residents. Approximately a third of the residents who go to Warehouse club stores (33.9%) drive over five miles to them.

Most respondents seem to be in relatively close proximity to a variety of food establishments and do not drive long distances to reach them. Most popular among the food establishments for Doral residents are ethnic restaurants visited by 77.5% of respondents, followed by fast food places (60.9%), and seafood places (58.2%).

Doral residents expressed satisfaction with the variety of shopping options in Doral or in close proximity to the city. A large percentage (82.1%) agree that there are enough places for eating out in Doral and also believe they can buy everything they need for their family in the city (79.3%). However, 37.3% do not believe there are enough entertainment and recreational opportunities in Doral.

The City of Doral received the approval of the majority of residents across most characteristics which are generally related to shopping, including physical appearance of shopping district (86.1%), quality of goods and services (85.7%), and sense of comfort and safety (85.1%). The largest percentages of residents who expressed dissatisfaction were in reference to ease of access for pedestrians (17.5%) and the prices of goods and services (11.9%).

In order to encourage the residents of Doral to shop more, the business establishments need to focus on some of the factors that seem to motivate Doral’s residents. The top motivating factor the respondents pointed to was lower prices (63.1%), followed by greater variety of products (46.0%) and better customer service (41.4%). Storefront improvements is a factor with the least motivating power as it is important for only 13.4% of residents in their shopping decisions.

In terms of the types of business establishments they would like to see in Doral, the most often mentioned establishments were book stores (26.7%), night clubs (24.8%), and restaurants (20.8%). However, there are some significant differences across gender and age groups with regards to preferred business establishments. For example, the more male respondents prefer bars and night clubs than female respondents. Also, Doral residents in the younger age groups prefer business establishments which provide an entertainment value (bars and night clubs), while those in the most advanced age group lean towards establishments which allow for more sedate activities (book stores).

In terms of the retail establishments in their city, most respondents (74.9%) would like to see a mix of local and national retailers. A larger percentage of White/Anglo respondents (89.5%) would like to see a mix of locally owned and national retailers than Hispanic respondents (71.4%). Conversely, more Hispanics expressed preference for locally-owned retailers (17.5%) than White non-Hispanics (5.3%). Doral resident preferences for the types of retailers they want in their city is also related to age. A higher percentage of younger residents would prefer a mix of local and national retailers, while more residents over 65 prefer locally-owned retailers.

The survey results referenced above are presented in more detail in the report that follows. Where the differences in opinion among different demographic groups are statistically significant, i.e. the difference is more than five percent, the results are also discussed for that various groups.

One thought on “A survey done by Metropolitan Center about Florida International University shows a high calification for City of Doral.

  • I was surprised that education was not included in the survey considering that it is a key factor for making decisions about homes. As a parent I’d rather find another neighborhood. Education in Doral is a weakness.

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