Christi Fraga Announces Candidacy For City Of Doral Mayor


Pledges to Bring Community & Business Experience, Sound Judgment, and Fresh Perspective to Mayoral Office.

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On January 3rd, 2022,  School Board member and former Vice Mayor of Doral Christi Fraga declared her candidacy for Mayor of Doral. Mrs. Fraga turned in the Statement of Candidate form at City Hall earlier this year declaring her bid for Mayor in the special elections scheduled to take place November 2022 due to Mayor Bermudez vacating his current position.


“I am pleased and honored to announce my candidacy for Mayor of the City of Doral. Doral has always had a special place in my heart. Since I was first elected as your councilwoman in 2012, I’ve worked to make Doral the best place to live, work, learn, play and raise a family. After hearing from several residents and business-owners over the last few months, and their concerns I believe, I have the knowledge, understanding, and expertise that our city needs to continue to excel. Doral and its residents are deserving of outspoken, strong, educated professional leaders ready to deliver a fresh, positive, fiscally responsible, and forward-looking perspectives to our city.” expressed Mrs. Fraga.


“For the past nine years, I’ve been honored to serve as a council member, vice mayor, and now as your school board representative and remain deeply committed to the well-being of our city, our families, and our youth! But the time has come to look to the bright and bold future that Doral has ahead. We are no longer the City that we were in 2003. We have grown into a diverse community filled with families who are in search of leadership that understands their everyday challenges and their desire for a better future. Doral residents want true public servants who know how to navigate the complexities of government with a fresh perspective and who also know how to use innovation to increase the quality of life. Our community needs positive, professional, responsive, and proactive leaders dedicated to public service, not to politics and more of the same empty slogans, talk of tracks, and promises that never materialize. Leaders that will put the City’s well-being ahead of years upon years of career-politics. Leaders who will be transparent, who will seek to build-consensus, instead of building factions to enforce control. Leaders who have the strength to stand-alone when it’s necessary, in order to do what is right for the city. Leaders who are true public servants working tirelessly for the community’s sake.” added Mrs. Fraga


“As a councilmember and now on the Miami Dade School Board, I have provided a level of experience and promoted a spirit of collaboration that has propelled Doral to become the city of excellence that we have today. I have proposed and implemented “out of the box” solutions for many of our greatest challenges. As Mayor, residents can expect to find in me a true public servant who is responsive, who listens to their issues, and who will relentlessly protect our quality of life and champion a vision for the future that unites our city. I will work to ensure our community’s safety, promote a positive environment for our families to live, for students to learn, for seniors to thrive, and for businesses to grow. Doral has challenges ahead, and I look forward to a positive campaign that will be based on our issues. I also look forward to meeting with members of our community, to sharing my vision with them, and to discussing how together, we will take Doral to the bright and bold future that is now clearly ahead.”


For more information on Christi Fraga, please visit


Political advertisement paid for and approved by Christi Fraga for City of Doral Mayor


One thought on “Christi Fraga Announces Candidacy For City Of Doral Mayor

  • Fraga: Proudly putting personal Political ambition before others. Since 2002.

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