City of Doral Council talks about their expectations for the coming year.
With just a few days to culminate 2011 and to start a New Year, we like to dedicate these pages to our City of Doral officers so they can tell us what was a big part of 2011 in their lives and their expectations for 2012.
Here are their comments:
Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez:

“The year 2011 was a wonderful year for my family and our City of Doral family. God has blessed me with a healthy and loving family, great friends, great residents and a great City to be the first ever Mayor of, I cannot ask for more. We were able to move forward on a number of great projects, including the new City Hall/Municipal Center, the purchase of new park land in the Islands at Doral area, the new Doral 311 app and the expansion of projects among many other things”.
What are the expectations for the year 2012?
“I am very excited about the year 2012. It will be my final year as Mayor and I am looking forward to finishing some key projects including the opening our new City Hall/Municipal Center and the adjacent park. I would like to continue to bring legislation that will keep us at the forefront of being the most open and transparent government around and will protect the hard work and gains we have accomplished so that our residents will be protected for years to come. On behalf of myself, my wife Vivian, our daughters Eneida, Elena and Elisa Happy New year to the Doral Family Journal team and all of you-our wonderful residents and business”.
Vice Mayor Michael DiPietro:

“This past year was a tough year for businesses and people in general financially. There has been hardship felt by the work force with layoffs, reductions in jobs and some companies have had to close due to a stagnant economy. But in times like these, what usually happens has proven to repeat itself once again. It brings people closer together.
Families have become closer and rely on each other, creating a stronger bond and unity within and although they are living on less, the family unit is stronger and happier because of the closeness. The family values, ethics and morals help each other as they focus on a positive attitude for the days and months to come. Businesses strive to find ways to be innovative and survive. The smaller businesses are similar to family units as they support each. Mid-size and larger companies have looked at innovative ways to keep the company running so that they can survive these tough economic times. This past year was also a great time to plan for the future. It is said that this is the best time to plan ahead and be prepared for when the economy crisis takes that positive turn for the better and growth begins. I believe that is what will happen”.
What are the expectations for the year 2012?
“This upcoming year will bring forth a new beginning. Behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. As we push to become better at what we do, the outcome can be surprising. There will be new companies on the horizon, more jobs for people to compete for and new opportunities to be had. We will see new leaders paving the path of the future both in the business sector and politically from the national level with a new President and down to our own beautiful city with a new Mayor and several open Council positions. We learn how to become better leaders and families learn to be closer as they cherish what they have and have had to endur and consider those experiences to be a blessing. Statistics state that it takes anywhere from 24 to 48 months for a economy to come out of a recession. I believe that 2012 will be that year!! I expect to see a genesis, a new beginning as people step up to the challenges that lay ahead with vigor, vitality and happiness. So here is to a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!!”
Councilman Pete Cabrera:

“I would like to start by thanking the community of Doral for the privilege of serving them for the last 9 years; it has been a great honor. I also want to thank Doral Family Journal for their service to the community and this opportunity to address their readers.
2011 has been a wonderful year. On a personal level, I want to thank the Lord for all the blessings in my life; my relationship with Him, my wonderful family, my friends, my business, my health and the ability to serve others.
Professionally it has been very rewarding year for me. I have rarely shared my professional life publically, but I am very excited about a project that I have launched this year. Some are familiar that for more than 15 years I have shared with schools, parents, churches and community groups something for which I have a great passion that deals with how to improve our personal lives and relationships by learning to better understand our Personalities / Behavioral Styles. My main business is in the Insurance, Employee Benefits and Human Resources field and this year I was able to incorporate Behavioral Styles Training into my business by offering Workplace Training in the areas of Teamwork, Sales, Management and Leadership using the DISC Behavioral Styles as the platform for all the workshops. In addition, I now also offer more comprehensive DISC@Home and DISC@School workshops. Because of my passion for helping families and children I will continue to provide the Introductory two hour DISC@Home and DISC@School Presentations at no cost. So any church, community group or school that is interested providing this valuable information free of charge to individuals, parents or teachers, please visit my website at and contact me at”.
What are the expectations for the year 2012?
“In spite of these challenging economic times, these are exciting times for Doral. The widening of the Panama Canal and the deepening of the Port of Miami will create tremendous opportunities in Doral. I look forward to continue to serve the City as its next Mayor in 2012 and use my experience in the business sector to help the City capitalize on these opportunities… May the Lord bless you and your loved ones this Holiday Season and in the New Year”.
Councilman Luigi Boria:

“The year 2011 has been a very positive year full of victories; it has been a year of leaving behind all the crises and correcting mistakes so that we can head in the right direction. It had been a year which has brought balance to the members of the city of Doral. It has been a year where I have worked hard on keeping all my campaign promises from 2010. On a personal level, my wife and I are very happy; my family was very blessed with the birth of my grandchildren. As for my children they are growing becoming better professionals each day. At the company level, despite the economic difficulties my company has continued to expand its business. As Councilman of the City of Doral I have seen that the city continues to grow, we have had many major advances in our government. Doral continues to be a city in which people still trust to live in and invest in”.
What are the expectations for the year 2012?
“2012 will be our best year. I have the highest expectations for 2012. It will be a year for full of major decisions at the local and national level that will not only mark the course of the next four years but impact the entire decade. It will be a year marked by government. 2012 will host national and local elections. Our daily events will be marked by politics, so we must be very informed. Ethical values ??and moral principles that will set the tone for those who want to succeed. It will be a challenging year in which I will continue to seek the welfare of Doral residents, God willingly from a position of greater responsibility such as mayor. I will continue to work hard to achieve excellence in the quality of life for all who have made their home in Doral”.
Councilwoman Ana Maria Rodriguez:

“It has been a true privilege to have been elected to the City Council to represent the interests of its citizens. The year 2011 has been a year filled with challenges, tough decisions, and I believe positive outcomes with respect to the politics and the economic wellbeing of our beautiful city.
To site just a few examples, I would like to mention the city’s budget has remained balanced, without the need to raise taxes. Additionally, we have completed several major projects in the traffic department in partnership with Miami-Dade County and Florida Department of Transportation, specifically the extension of NW 33 Street and the extension of NW 87 Avenue, both of which have eased the flow of vehicular traffic throughout the city”.
What are the expectations for the year 2012?
“Next year I will continue fighting for the best in Doral, to maintain the essence of a growing and vibrant community and for being able to achieve our city’s motto, “A Great Place to Live, Work, Play and Learn”. In summary I would like to express thanks for your trust, and reiterate that my doors are always open to answer any questions you may have. My wish as your Councilwoman, and as a public servant is to try to help you resolve any issues you may have with the City of Doral, with the help of my fellow Council members and our City’s capable staff.
Looking toward next year, it will definitely be a year full of big changes, particularly in the structure of the city council, with 3 open seats (possibly four) the city’s future is balancing on a delicate scale and it is all of our responsibility to educate ourselves on the background, ideas, and vision of each of the candidates in order to make an informed decision.
I would like to express my gratitude once again and thank you for your loyal support and faith in me, and to wish you a Happy Holiday and prosperous new year, and may the Lord bless each and every one of you and your loved ones”.