City of Doral Façade Improvement Program Grant Cycle is Open!

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Doral, FL – The Doral Façade Improvement Program is now open and accepting applications until May 13, 2022. The purpose of the program is to provide financial assistance to stimulate private sector investment, beautification, economic growth, and job creation in the City by improving the appearance of buildings within the city limits. Possible external improvements include ADA improvements, landscaping, painting, lighting, canopies, and windows. All grant funds are provided as reimbursement for project costs.

“Since the inception of this program, we have enhanced what it offers to maximize its impact to our City as a whole,” said Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez. “These grants have directly helped local businesses and homeowner’s associations improve their locations, resulting in structures that attract more residents to our community, as well as customers for our businesses.”

The Doral Façade Improvement Program was initially created in 2012 to provide financial assistance to businesses and commercial owners to improve the appearance of buildings within the Doral Decor District.

The program originally provided financial assistance by contributing 25% of the costs, in an amount that would not exceed $ 5,000 per project. In 2018, the geographical limits of the program were expanded by Mayor and City Council to cover the entire City of Doral and include the publicly visible entry features of homeowners’ associations. The maximum amount of the grant was also increased to a 50% reimbursement of eligible renovation costs up to $ 10,000 per project.

For full requirements and application form, visit the City’s Business Assistance website. Applications must be submitted to the City Clerk by May 13, 2022, at 3:30 p.m., to

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