Doral Council Kicks Off 2019 Activities.

Parks Bond Counsel, PTSA Grants approved on the meeting.


By: María Alejandra Pulgar

@marialepulgar – NAHJ #37172

Para leer en Español

After the holidays, the City of Doral Council held its first meeting of 2019 on Wednesday, January 9th.

Starting this meeting, residents were able to view the proceedings live through the official Facebook page of the City of Doral, in addition to other outlets such as Channel 77 and the website. It is all part of the initiatives to increase access to all residents to the activities happening in the City, to continue ensuring communication and transparency in operation.

Among the resolutions passed on Consent Agenda were:  the selection of the counsel services company for the Parks Bonds approved last November; the leasing of office space for State Representative Ana Maria Rodriguez; land purchases to increase the land bank for City developments and a license agreement with Miami-Dade Expressway Authority (MDX) to bring Doral Trolley to Dolphin Station.

Approved after discussion were: the proclamation of January 20 to 26thas Doral School Choice Week; the list of Advisory Board Members; changes and adjustments to the PTSA Grant program; improvements on 82nd and 102nd avenues and adjustments to Park Impact fees for new developments, among other resolutions.

Code ordinances approved were about: Adjustments to the vetting procedures for placing items on Council agendas; preference to local businesses and residents for public works projects; and delegation of overseeing the investigation of complaints on Charter violations to the City of Doral Police Department Internal Affairs Unit.

A Special recognition was presented to City Clerk Connie Diaz for achieving the Master Municipal Clerk Certification. Diaz was commended by the entire Council and especially by Councilman Cabrera for her dedication to her work, her efficiency and “great attitude and disposition to get things done”.

Details on the items approved can be reviewed by residents on the attachments to the agenda that are available on the City of Doral website.

First Public Workshop of the Year – Doral Central Park Design

The Mayor and Council, administration staff and the consulting firm involved in the project held a public workshop where the general design and plan for the Doral Central Park was discussed. The development of this park is one of the main initiatives of the Doral Parks for Tomorrow plan that will be funded with the bonds approved in last November.

Within the amenities projected to be available on this great facility are the long-awaited aquatic center; a skate park; a dog park; track, football, soccer, volleyball, basketball and tennis courts; formal events and multipurpose lawns; playgrounds; recreation center and a parking structure. Based on the results of this workshop a final plan will be prepared by the consultants along with Parks and Recreation Department. It will be presented and submitted for approval in a Council Meeting.

2 thoughts on “Doral Council Kicks Off 2019 Activities.

  • Trails and Tails is in serious need of grass (or lack of) maintenance. It is more than half just mud!

  • Doral like much of Miami – dade needs some maintenance which hasnt been done in years . These pet projects can wait .

    For starters many of the street lines white and yellow need to be repainted they are faded to the point that you cant see them if it rains and in Miami this is lethal .

    Tree’s that need trimming should be done early in the Spring not wait till middle of hurricane season and plenty of tree’s have large hanging limbs over electrical lines .

    Normally I would not post something like this unless I had already emailed Bermudez and Gimenez but got tired of the apathy of 90% plus of the population . Tired of the dead weight which benefits .

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