Miami Gardens residents are against Formula One auto race at Hard Rock Stadium

DORAL, FL – Miami Gardens residents are not very happy with the possibility of bringing Formula One auto race to the Hard Rock Stadium as it is intended by Miami Dolphins owner, Stephen Ross.

Neighbors against this pleaded with commissioners to stop Formula One from coming to Miami Gardens, in a meeting held on Thursday, citing noise, traffic and smog from the high-performance race cars.

According to the Miami Herald, detractors are “pushing Miami-Dade County to step in and possibly block the planned yearly event”. Its debut would be in 2021.

“Formula One racing would never be allowed in a rich neighborhood,” said Lynette Hickenbottom to commissioners on Thursday.

Betty Ferguson, a Miami Gardens resident and former county commissioner, said “it’s hard to believe anyone would consider having a Formula One race in the middle of Miami Gardens”.

Commissioner Barbara Jordan, whose district includes the stadium, proposed new rules for the road race during her intervention in the Thursday meeting.

She suggested conducting noise and traffic studies for auto races requiring road closures, as the Formula One event would.

Jordan also included in her proposal approval of the race, which would be held each May, and prohibiting closing roads for races when they go through residential areas.

About this, Marcus Bach Armas, head of government relations for the Dolphins, said “the track is not running through residential neighborhoods,” while Tom Garfinkel, Dolphins president, was very clear about his objection to this in a letter sent to commissioners on Wednesday.

“We must vehemently object to this effort … to preempt the citizens of Miami-Dade County from even having a conversation about one of the most prestigious and significant sporting events in the world,”.

Stephen Ross has been trying to bring Formula One to Miami since 2017 when he couldn’t bring the highest category of auto race to downtown Miami.

One thought on “Miami Gardens residents are against Formula One auto race at Hard Rock Stadium

  • This would be so amazing if it happens. The objections are ridiculous! It’s 6 hours of racing per year and basically a Super Bowl for Miami every year!!! Stadiums are where these big events are supposed to happen, i thought?!

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