Road improvements are expected for the next 5 years in Miami-Dade County.


In Miami Dade and Monroe Counties, on a daily basis more than 34 “million vehicle miles” are used by all types of vehicles.


Edda Pujadas, @epujadas

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With a planned investment of $3.718 Billion, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), presented its work program for the next five years for Miami Dade County and Monroe County, this gravitates mainly around the improvement of transportation infrastructure.

This information was provided by the authorities of the FDOT, in the recent event that took place at the Hilton Garden Inn located in Sweetwater.  Antonette P. Adams, District Six Program Management Administrator of the FDOT, presented their “Five-Year Tentative Work Program.”

Adams explained that the main programs to be developed within this Tentative Five-Year Work Program are the following: Golden Glades Interchange, Traffic reforms to Okeechobee Road, Improvements to I-395, SR836 and I-95 and projects around Krome Avenue and Miami Beach together with improvements on NW 87th Avenue.

She also mentioned some ideas to better manage lanes along the Palmetto and I-75, lighting programs, bridge maintenance, improvement in traffic and safety in Highways and freight logistics and passenger operations, the Multimodal Facility and SMART Plan Transit Projects.

Let’s remember that the SMART Plan is a Rapid Transit Plan for some strategic areas of Miami, the plan through this is to build six rapid traffic corridors in the County, together with a network of Express Buses (BERT) in order to incentivize the public and massive transportation system.

The FDOT is developing this Five-Year Tentative Work Program and the Federal, State and Local agencies, with the only goal to improve the quality of life of the residents and visitors of Miami Dade County and Monroe County, for this they have established priorities for the use of the funds allocated to the transportation system.

The FDOT establishes these priorities taking into consideration the safety, the preservation of the state highway system, the improvement in capacities for the highways and other projects. They also take into consideration the coordination between local and federal entities, governments, County and Municipal Commissions and the programs that are financed by transportation funds both Federal and State for traffic, airports, seaports, railways, cycling, and pedestrians.

It is noteworthy that this program from District Six of the FDOT is of great importance for the whole State of Florida because it includes Miami Dade County and Monroe County that together have more than 2.6 million residents and within these jurisdictions, there is more than 34 million miles transit on a daily basis.

The state road system of District Six consists of 700 miles of centerlines and 3,044 miles of lanes, it is served by 7 public airports, 78 private airports, 2 rail lines, 2 deep water ports, 3 rail fixed guideway systems, for this reason, the FDOT implements projects that help with the operation of this comprehensive transportation system.

The work cycle for the Five-Year Tentative Work Program starts from June to October, when District Six interacts with the County officials, then in November, they hold Public Workshops. During the month of December, the Miami Dade County Department of Transportation and the Monroe County are informed.

By January, the FDOT staff in Tallahassee compiles the plans for District Six to create the Tentative Work Program for the State; this is sent in February as a provisional preliminary project at the State Level to the Governor’s Office, the Legislature, the Florida Transportation Commission and the Department of Economic Opportunity.

In March, the Florida Transportation Commission conducts a statewide public hearing to receive public input for the Tentative Work Program, and in July after the Legislature approves the appropriations, the Work Program is adopted by the FDOT State Secretary.

During the Five-Year Tentative Work Program, the projects may be in one of the following five stages: planning, development and environment, design, signage, and construction.

The estimated funds for the Five-Year Tentative Work Program for District Six will be received as follows: 58% (2,146 million) from the State of Florida, 32% (1,208 million) from Federal Aid, 7% (245 million) from the proceeds of the Florida Turnpike and tolls, 2% (67 million) from infrastructure bank bonds and 1%(53 million) from local resources and other financing sources for a total of 3,718 billion dollars.

Now, how will these $3,718 billion funds, will be invested?  73% (2,697 million) in the construction of the transportation, logistics, and operation of passengers and signage, among other operational matters. 14% (529 million) will be destined to the operation and maintenance, support activities 13% (491 million) and the remaining 2% for management.

The agencies involved in the decision-making process for this Five Year program are the TPO, District Six of the FDOT, the Florida Transportation Commission, the Florida Turnpike Administration, MDX, the Port of Miami, Miami Dade Transit, MIA, Miami Dade County, and the South Florida Regional Transportation Authority.

This Five-Year Tentative Work Program is part of the FDOT mission to provide a safe and effective transportation system that guarantees the mobility of people and goods, improves our economic prosperity and preserve the quality of our environment and our communities.



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