With Knowledge Comes Incredible Power for Electors

By: María Alejandra Pulgar

@marialepulgar – NAHJ #37172

Para leer en Español

Two seats are up for grabs at the Doral Council for this November election, and each time it becomes more important for electors to be informed about who they are choosing to represent them on the dais.

Citizens who want to express their opinion have to start by registering to vote if they did not have a chance to do it for the primaries last August. The deadline for voter registration is Tuesday, October 9th and it can be done easily by mail, online at https://registertovoteflorida.gov/en/Registration/Indexor in person at any public library, postal office, Department of Motor Vehicles or the Miami-Dade Elections Department.

Voting is one of the most important rights and duties a citizen has, and it has even more relevance for naturalized Americans who are now able to participate in the decisions of their new nation. Where people are not able to express themselves, the government fails to tend to their needs. Therefore voting at all levels, especially at local elections, where the government actions impact directly the lives of residents, is a fundamental right to be exercised.

Choosing the right candidate is no easy task for responsible electors. It is important to evaluate their strengths, qualifications, experience relevant to the office they aspire, their position on the most important issues, leadership abilities and good character, moral and values that align with those the elector consider should be enforced in his community.

When researching about candidates, voters should watch the debates; research their views and their available history of public service or private office. The American Association of State College and Universities (AASCU) suggest that electors should always verify the news they read using reliable sources, such as non-partisan news outlets; be an active listener of candidates to avoid falling for rhetoric messages and, most of all, continue participating in all elections. “The healthiest democracy is one where everyone participates” and with knowledge people get incredible power to make the right decisions.

This midterm ballot in Florida is going to be lengthy and several amendments will be voted, which require consideration. Take time to print out a sample and analyze your choices at https://www8.miamidade.gov/global/elections/prepare-general-election.page

The deadline to request a vote-by-mail ballot is October 31stand the early voting period will take place from October 22ndto November 4th.

Do not let others decide for you. VOTE!


About The City of Doral Council Elections

There are four candidates for Seat #2 and three candidates for Seat #4 on this election.

Their demographics reflect closely those of the city: Four men, three women, between 34 and 60 years old; one US born Hispanic and six naturalized citizens, one born in Cuba, two in Dominican Republic and three in Venezuela. It is testament of the diversity and growth of the Doral population.

For this article, all candidates received the same questions and were allowed the same time and space for their answers. The answers that exceeded the space were edited to fit in the printed edition.

Their profiles will be featured in alphabetical order.

Doral Family Journal does not endorse any candidate. Our job is to inform and empower citizens to make educated choices.


One thought on “With Knowledge Comes Incredible Power for Electors

  • MOST Hispanics in Doral or any other city in the USA are politically apathetic and doubt that is going to change .

    The people at the Doral voting place/ registration are a machine of efficiency and as nice as they come so registration and voting here is EASY .
    Would not say that about all of Miami .

    If I was a politician and someone contacted me about a concern, I would have someone look up if they voted (public record IF you vote but of course not who you vote for) , if they did not vote I would ignore them because not wasting time with non voters .

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