Luigi Boria: The Spokesman for the City.
Extremely generous with his time, Luigi Boria did open a spot on his busy schedule to talk to Doral Family Journal.
Read MoreExtremely generous with his time, Luigi Boria did open a spot on his busy schedule to talk to Doral Family Journal.
Read MoreRuiz not only resumes her position as Councilwoman but also as the new Vice Mayor of the City of Doral
Read MoreThe youngest member of the City of Doral Council, she is a 26 year old enthusiast entrepreneur who was elected with 55% of votes in the runoff election,
Read MoreMerrett R. Stierheim is the name of the person who will be in charge of the city’s administration.
Read MoreA tan solo dos días de conocerse la salida del ex jefe del departamento de policía del Doral Ricardo Gómez, la ciudad ya designó un nuevo jefe interino para el departamento.
Read MoreThe City of Doral has hung up a “Help Wanted” sign for a new police chief, because Former Doral Police Chief Ricardo “Ricky” Gomez was fired Tuesday morning, after he was summoned to a meeting with Acting Administrator Merret R. Stierheim.
Read MoreEl nuevo Alcalde y los nuevos concejales de la ciudad de Doral asumieron oficialmente sus sillas en un acto realizado en la tarde del 28 de noviembre en la Cámara del Concejo de la Ciudad.
Read MoreSandra Ruiz gano la silla # 1 y Christi Fraga gano la silla # 3. En una segunda jornada electoral
Read MoreJuan Carlos Bermudez, the mayor of Doral, has joined Akerman Senterfitt as of counsel in the firm’s Real Estate Practice
Read MoreOn November 7 after winning the election, Bettina Rodriguez Aguilera took over Seat 2 on the City Council of Doral. Yet neither she nor her former co-workers still get used to the title of ‘Councilwoman’.
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