There are several avenues to obtain immigration status that allow foreign investors to operate their business in the United States.
Read MoreThere are several avenues to obtain immigration status that allow foreign investors to operate their business in the United States.
Read MoreCada día que pasa sin obtener una solución legislativa representa un alto riesgo para estos jóvenes que pudieran enfrentar casos de deportación,
Read MoreTener en sus manos la tarjeta de residencia permanente, o la famosa “green card” es el sueño de muchísima gente que desea emigrar a los Estados Unidos. Y para muchos, quizás con buena suerte puedan obtenerla, porque desde el 1 de octubre, hasta el 2 de noviembre, está en proceso la tradicional lotería de visas (o Visa de Diversidad), que permitirá a miles de extranjeros vivir legalmente en este país.
Read MoreToday, the State Department issued a statement regarding a newly implemented plan to issue visas to those wanting to visit the United States from Cuba.
Read MoreIt is for that extensive experience on dealing with immigration issues, and his commitment with his constituents that Mr. Diaz-Balart has been able to effectively work together with a group of other Representatives, both Republicans and Democrats, in order to push forward a bipartisan effort in the House for a comprehensive legislation on Immigration.
Read MoreThe time has finally come for meaningful immigration reform. It is my hope it will include the legalization of undocumented individuals in the U.S. and updated immigration laws that meet the demands of our country.
Read MoreVanessa Nuñez, student activist working for a better future for undocumented youth
Read MorePresident Obama assures that more than one million undocumented young people will be benefited, with an administrative measure, called deferred action system.
Read MoreTodos los individuos que estén en los Estados Unidos más de 183 días cumulativos en un año (6 meses aproximados) o más de un promedio de 120 días en tres años, tienen la obligación de hacer una declaración de impuestos
Read MoreEn vista de que cada año aproximadamente 400 mil personas son deportadas de los Estados Unidos, …
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