City of Doral Will Open Two Parks For Limited Activities

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Doral, FL – City of Doral Mayor Juan Carlos Bermudez has signed an Emergency Order (2020-09) to open Doral Central Park and Downtown Doral Park for limited passive activities, 8:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m., daily. This will be effective April 29th at 8:00 a.m. All other Doral parks will remain closed until further notice.

The following limited active uses ARE allowed: walking, jogging, skating and cycling. Face covers are required when walking or visiting the park but not when performing rigorous activity such as running, skating and cycling. Parks staff may limit the number of persons using trails and paths in order to ensure social distancing is maintained and may limit the time any person spends on these in order to ensure access to such facilities to other patrons. Six feet social distancing must be observed by park patrons and all staff and groups of 10 or more are prohibited. Smaller groups must maintain social distancing in accordance with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Department Guidelines.

Amenities and activities NOT allowed include table games, picnics, parties and use of playgrounds, exercise equipment or bike racks. Open restrooms will be frequently sanitized.

Doral Police, Code Compliance officers and park personnel will ensure compliance with these rules and social distancing guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Department. Persons not practicing social distancing or following park rules may be required to leave the park or be subject to further penalties.

This Order is in addition to, and supplements, Miami-Dade County’ s Emergency Order 21-20. Golf courses will also be opened with restrictions under the County’s order.

As the situation continues to develop and we all work to move towards the “new normal”,  make sure you are following us on social media — @cityofdoral (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and on the City of Doral COVID-19 webpage for announcements on possible future changes to other City operations.


One thought on “City of Doral Will Open Two Parks For Limited Activities

  • Miami , not just Doral need to open things up now period .

    The rest of the state is doing just that . I would hate to have a business here .

    Timid , indecisive politicos is what we are plagued with , remember that come elections.

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