Doral Community Bids Heartfelt Farewell to Msgr. Tomas Marin.

On a solemn mass with two Archbishops in attendance


By: María Alejandra Pulgar

@marialepulgar – NAHJ #37172

Para leer en Español

The founding pastor of Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Parish in Doral, Monsignor Tomas Marin, passed away due to cancer on December 28th2018. The community gave him a heartfelt farewell during a solemn funeral mass on January 5thcelebrated by the Archbishop of Miami Thomas Wenski.

Deacons and seminarians, and more than fifty priests from the Archdiocese attended. They concelebrated, along with three bishops and Archbishop Emeritus Favalora on the solemn ceremony, filled with symbolism and loving memories of the life and work of Msgr. Marin.

A brief life with plenty of achievements, Marin was devoted to selflessly serve people, first as a physician and later as a priest. His Excellency Msgr. Wenski called his friend Tomas “A physician of souls” on his eulogy, where he described the character of Msgr. Marin who, until the very end, was on top of organizing the New Year’s Mass schedule of his parish and of caring for the needs of his parishioners above his own.  He even took care of handwriting Christmas cards to his parishioners and friends from his hospital bed; such were the subtle details that Msgr. Marin constantly had towards his flock that always distinguished him above other priests.

 A model of faith, responsibility, and perseverance

During his tenure, first as administrator and later as pastor of the emerging Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish in Doral, Msgr. Marin had to endure plenty of trials and overcome many obstacles to ensure the space where the current temple was built.

The parish grew along with the city, and with it the responsibilities: finding bigger spaces to celebrate mass on weekends; opening the CCD office; creating an operating office to tend to the needs in the community; incorporating more mass schedules; administering baptisms, First Communions and weddings at borrowed chapels; all that while serving as chancellor of the Archdiocese and working towards obtaining the land, the funds and the permits to build the parish’s definitive home.

His faith and perseverance payed back; after many negotiations, he secured the land for the parish and it was time for him to move on to serve at St. Timothy and later at St. Augustine, his last parish.

He took the opportunity on his homilies not only to explain scriptures to his parishioners but also to educate them on philosophy, and history, to give them context to understand the messages. He was generous on sharing his knowledge of philosophy, history, and theology to help people grow in their faith. Msgr. Marin was an unforgettable Pastor, who served well the people and the Church.

One thought on “Doral Community Bids Heartfelt Farewell to Msgr. Tomas Marin.

  • Can we name 25th Street: Msgr Tomas Marin Way please!!!!

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