Human Rights more than ever a cause we must embrace.

Human Rights are a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations. They are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace, and are the basic standards without which people cannot live a life of dignity.

Do you know that education, work, health, food, shelter, elections, opinion, religion and social security, are all human rights?

Do you know that in 1948 was the first time in history that a document considered to have universal value was adopted by an international organization?

Do you know that there are only 30 articles in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?

Do you Know, that this document has been translated in more than 360 languages and dialects, yet, is one of the less read?

Do you know that only 5% of the world population is aware that Human Rights exist and only 1% has read The Universal Declaration?

International Solidarity for Human Rights is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization incorporated in the State of Florida, that has been working restless to make of human rights a way of life. International Solidarity for Human Rights is which primary mission is to educate and promote the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through the various art forms.

Thus their mission is to create awareness, and educate in a positive way about the universal declaration of Human Rights and its 30 articles through all expressions of art. Why art? Because art is collective, art is appealing, and art is a universal language that can be understood by all. A great tool for education and learning.

Elizabeth Sanchez Vegas and Devorah Sasha along with a great deal of volunteers, friends and sponsors are the engine behind ISHR. They have done a magnificent job by creating innovative and multidisciplinary projects that have set example in our community and abroad.

In 2009 a team of 6 women from ISHR set a new Guinness World Record, The Longest Reading Marathon by a Team. They read, non stopping, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights during 240 hours, 10 days. This event took place in Miami Dade College InterAmerican Campus and more than a million viewers watched them live through LIVESTREAM.

In 2010, 12 members of ISHR  took their back packs and traveled to Spain to do The Way of Saint James. A 240 kilometers walk on foot through the Primitive Route to Santiago de Compostela. During their journey they gave away free copies of the Pocket Guide to Human Rights to any person they encountered along the road while talking, teaching and learning about human rights.

The Route To Human Rights a Master Project in Florida.

The Route to Human Rights is a multidisciplinary project that will take residents and visitors throughout significant, permanent spaces around 8 Campuses, and premises, of MDC.  People will have the opportunity to visit 30 works of art, representing the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The works will be created by international or local artists. 

Once completed residents, local visitors, out of state visitors and tourists will be able to follow the 100 mile Route to Human Rights. In addition, a number of educational and art related programs and activities are being designed around and along THE ROUTE, so that, it becomes a dynamic learning experience for all. A Route to Human Rights Map has been already created by Mapazone. It is conceive as a colorful and wonderful representation of the trajectory that people will have to travel in a journey throughout the Route.

ISHR have already built  two plazas Article 19. Freedom of Expression at InterAmerican Campus and Article 2. Freedom from Discrimination in the North Campus.

Art. 29 “I have Duties to the Community” will be a HUMAN RIGHTS PAVILION design by Architect Frank Costoya.

It will hold approximately 18 of the 30 works of art and this Pavilion will be a place for reflection, providing educational insights related to the positive promotion of human rights.

International Solidarity for Human Rights (ISHR) and Miami Dade College (MDC) signed a collaboration agreement June 25, to ensure all art work in the Route to Human Rights Project will be installed throughout MDC’s eight campuses and outreach center. In addition, a rendering of the next piece of art, the Route to Human Rights Pavilion, was presented at the signing ceremony at the North Campus.     

 “Miami Dade College, serving nearly two million students during its 52-year history, epitomizes democracy’s college at its best. Human rights are a foundation of democracy, and MDC stands as an ideal institutional partner in collaboration with ISHR to further the ideals of justice and equality”, said North Campus President Dr. José A. Vicente.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights demands the integration of the text within the educational values of new generations.  In 64 years this goal has not been accomplished. ISHR’s commitment is to do it, to take the UDHR into the classrooms, into the houses, into our communities, into the everyday life of the people.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said “Where, after all, do universal human rights begin? In small places, close to home, so close and so small that they cannot be seen on any map of the world. Yet they are the world of the individual person: the neighborhood he lives in; the school or college he attends; the factory, farm or office where he works. Such are the places where every man, woman and child seeks equal justice, equal opportunity, equal dignity without discrimination. Unless these rights have meaning there, they have little meaning anywhere. Without concerted citizen action to uphold them close to home, we shall look in vain for progress in the larger world”.

For more information about International Solidarity for Human Rights please send a email to or visit


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