Hurricane Dorian brings shortage and tension in Doral

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DORAL, FL – As part of our mission to inform the community in a timely manner and in the face of hurricane Dorian, Doral Family Journal has been on the streets from early hours visiting its supermarkets, gas stations and other stores that provide products and services of first necessity.

During our tour, we noticed there is a growing demand for food (especially non-perishable and canned) water and gasoline.

Long lines at gas stations and cashiers, as well as uncertainty regarding the development of Hurricane Dorian have increased nervousness in our city.

We have seen more tension in newly arrived immigrants or people who have been living in the country for a few years and for whom, perhaps, this is the first or second time in a hurricane season.

The good news for them and for all our residents is that after speaking with several supermarkets and gas stations managers, we learned that although there is shortage of supplies due to the emergency we are facing, they are constantly updating their reserves of gas, water and food.

For this reason, from Doral Family Journal we urge everyone to remain calm and visit stores periodically, especially during the morning hours when places are less crowded. Also, we encourage all of our residents to be patient, respect turns in lines, and follow the law.

It is also important to drive with caution respecting stop signs, traffic lights, speed limits, and regulation in school zones, as well as avoiding road rage and aggressive behavior on the streets, and followings the instructions of the authorities.

Keep in mind that the Doral Police Department is constantly monitoring the streets to ensure that order and security prevail. People who do not abide by the laws or alter the order could be fined.

Nerviosismo y desabastecimiento en Doral por huracán Dorian
Nerviosismo y desabastecimiento en Doral por huracán Dorian

Those who have difficulty getting water, can follow the advice of the County’s Mayor, Carlos A. Gimenez, who gave statements in the last hours.

“People don’t need to go out and buy water. Miami-Dade tap water is excellent. Fill your containers to be prepared, ”said the Mayor via Twitter.

Finally, we invite the community to stay informed through the news, mobile applications related with hurricane Dorian and social media. Let’s not forget that the only weapon against emergencies is to be prepared.

From Doral Family Journal we will continue to watch the development of Hurricane Dorian to provide updated and useful information for our residents.


One thought on “Hurricane Dorian brings shortage and tension in Doral

  • Well looks like the storm will pass .

    Everyone should have a couple of 5 gallon buckets or more to store regular tap water in a couple of days before the storm hits . The tap water here is very good , you do not need bottled water .

    You simply stack the buckets the rest of the year in your garage , etc .

    Cans of food to last a week or more which you eat now and then as the year rolls by and replace them with new cans .

    ALWAYS a few flashlights and plenty of batteries .

    This way you don’t get caught up in the hysteria and crazed drivers a few days before a hurricane plus if an unexpected emergency like a tornado hits you are always ready .

    ” It is also important to drive with caution respecting stop signs, traffic lights, speed limits, and regulation in school zones, as well as avoiding road rage and aggressive behavior on the streets, and followings the instructions of the authorities.”

    This was beautiful because I worked last night till 6 am and like last storm, Hispanic HYSTERIA set in and crazier drivers then usual .

    The storm won’t kill you but the ” I am prone to HISPANIC hysteria and then reckless insanity” drivers will kill you .

    Well , let’s hope this was last storm coming this way for the year .

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