Mosquito aerial spraying at Miami.


Miami-Dade County’s Mosquito Control Division

Schedules Aerial Spraying for Local Area 


 Week of July 25, 2011 through July 30, 2011

 Mosquito aerial spraying at Homestead Air Reserve Base (HARB) and other areas of Miami-Dade County is scheduled to occur during the week of July 25th, 2011 through July 30th, 2011. The flights are scheduled to occur from 5:30-8:00 pm Tuesday and Wednesday, with Thursday being a back-up day, if needed.

Residents are advised that a large aircraft, a C·130 Hercules, will be flying as low as 150 feet over the spray areas to train aircrew and spray Dibrom Concentrate. Spraying areas will include those parts of the County that are being most affected at that time by increased mosquito activity. Possible areas to be sprayed include Homestead, Florida City, the Redlands, areas East of US1 and, if necessary, West Kendall and West Doral. Once again, areas to be sprayed will be entirely dependent on where mosquito activity has shown a demonstrable increase at the time of surveillance on Monday, July 25th. After spraying, about 90 percent of adult mosquitoes should be killed; however, the reduction in mosquito populations depends on how favorable conditions are for new mosquito production, such as continued rain and/or wind blowing from breeding grounds in the National Park.

Beekeepers are asked to keep their bees covered during the spraying operations in their particular area. Individuals with known allergic reactions should stay indoors.

The 311 call center, which accepts mosquito service requests, is open Monday through Friday, 7 am to 8 pm, and Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm. The call center will be updated with the areas to be sprayed as the information comes available. Residents may call 311 to find out if their area will be included in the spray mission.


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