Shelton Academy’s innovative academic program at Doral


The fast growing demand for personalized education and the evolving need to provide an integral and wholesome academic formation are some of the factors that have come together to complete the expansion of Shelton Academy at a new facility capable of housing 1,500 students.


Shelton Academy’s innovative academic program at Doral


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The academic service imparted by Shelton Academy will begin in 2022. The new development will include a revamped state-of-the-art infrastructure adapted to fulfill every academic, cultural, and athletic need.

Located at 9455 NW 40th Street and with over sixteen thousand square meters of available land, the main building incorporates 60 classrooms, which accommodate students ranging from Pre-K up to High School. Each room is designed to allow for in-person attendance but also features technology, which enables for efficient online attendance. The new facility includes a center focused on personalized studies and another destined for one-on-one mentoring.


Personalized Education

The Shelton Academy model is centered around human excellence and is strongly focused on the benefits of personalized mentorship. This model is designed to allow students to access their full potential while enabling them to harness their abilities, whilst developing their autonomy as they take charge of their academic results.

The mentoring program is tightly connected to the parents of the students. The close knit relationship between faculty and parent through periodic meetings is a driving force in the academic and personal development of the student.


Discovering Talents and Developing Skills

The Early Years program at Shelton Academy was designed for students to begin their elementary education with a higher level of emotional and intellectual intelligence. This is best seen with the Life Prep Program as well as through individual mentorships. The goal is to enable each student to learn and understand how to apply their intellectual growth towards their day to day lives. 

Shelton Academy’s campus features facilities that allow for optimal intellectual, scientific, and athletic growth such as labs, a center for plastic arts, a theater – hosts the orchestra, choir, cinema, and performing arts. Also included is a soccer field with space for track and field, basketball courts, volleyball courts, olympic size pool, gymnasium, and an Old Sports Fitness Complex. Everything designed to stimulate the intellectual growth of students inside and outside their classrooms.


Exclusive Academic Content

“Discover, imagine, adventure, explore” the DIVE program is a one of a kind program designed to intensify Shelton Academy’s academic plan under an experimental learning structure deemed STEM. Students of every grade participate in practical sessions, field trips, and meet ups focused on comprehending the scientific method used to understand nature and how to better promote its preservation.    

MINDS is another Shelton Academy signature program. This is focused around human anthropology and yields itself to teaching about the connection between civilization and cultural expression, and how they interconnect to art history, music, and architecture. MINDS was created in collaboration with the Spanish institutions Museo del Prado and Universidad de Navarra.

Shelton Academy is further supported by an online academic platform called the Shelton Virtual Institute. This technology enables the intellectual growth of individuals scattered around the globe. The platform contains quality material of great social and current import.

Many of the school programs and activities are sponsored by the Shelton Academy Education Foundation. Thanks to the generosity of donors Shelton Academy can continue to influence the life of thousands of students who will then impact the world.   


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