Sophia Lacayo: La ayuda no lleva maquillaje.
Para nadie es un secreto: la mayoría de los negocios a nivel global han sido gravemente afectados negativamente por la pandemia…
Read MorePara nadie es un secreto: la mayoría de los negocios a nivel global han sido gravemente afectados negativamente por la pandemia…
Read MoreThe world is facing another problem: The infodemic. From a pile of articles that are spread on social media, websites, messaging apps, and printed articles emerge the so-called conspiracy theories that increase fears in an already overwhelmed society.
Read MoreReflections on Election Season and the past and future of our city.
Read MoreWe are entering another year, another election year, an important one, since we will be electing from the President
Read MoreAdvances in artificial intelligence have increasingly improved the quality of device interactions with humans.
Read MorePeople get into local politics for reasons as varied as having a say in their community, trying to make a difference or wanting to change policies they don’t agree with.
Read MoreAccording to US News Report, that had ranked the school as a Silver School in past years, this time around Ronald W. Reagan Doral Senior High School (RRDSH) appeared “Unranked” nationally, meaning that the standardized test results obtained were not high enough to enter the school on the list.
Read MoreEntusiasmo o decepción tras la visita del vicepresidente a Doral? Cientos de venezolanos esperaban anuncios sobre sanciones, protección a los exiliados e incluso, la intervención militar…
Read MoreQue nadie venga a darse “golpes de pecho” y a decir que no le “entra un fresquito” al ver la cara de los funcionarios chavistas o sus conexos, siendo increpados por los venezolanos que los reconocen en el extranjero dándose la gran vida, en lugar de sufrir las penurias en las que su Revolución del siglo XXI ha sumido a la tierra de Bolívar.
Read MoreLamentarse sobre el agua derramada es un ejercicio inútil, pero hacer memoria histórica es menester en la comprensión de los días que atraviesa Venezuela.
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